
Ocena upravičenosti izgradnje hidroelektrarn Suhadol, Trbovlje in Renke na območju izkoriščanja energetskega potenciala srednje Save
ID Trotovšek, Tomaž (Author), ID Vukelić, Željko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Obnovljivi viri energije so viri prihodnosti. Hidroenergija je pomemben obnovljiv vir energije, treba pa je vzeti v zakup, da ima izgradnja hidroelektrarne določen vpliv na okolje. Slovenija na področju rabe električne energije še zdaleč ni samozadostna in je v veliki meri odvisna od uvoza. V Sloveniji imamo velik potencial pri obnovljivih virih energije, vendar ga na žalost premalo izkoriščamo, predvsem zaradi različnih birokratskih oziroma slabo argumentiranih razlogov. Eden večjih, premalo izkoriščenih obnovljivih virov energije je tudi hidroenergija. Reka Sava je naša najdaljša reka, ki je energetsko že izkoriščena v zgornjem in spodnjem delu, srednji del pa je trenutno energetsko neizkoriščen. Predvideva se gradnja verige hidroelektrarn na srednji Savi, v nalogi sem ekonomsko preučil gradnjo prvih treh hidroelektrarn v verigi, in sicer HE Suhadol, HE Trbovlje in HE Renke. Vse tri obravnavane HE so pretočno-akumulacijskega tipa. V nalogi sem finančno ovrednotil prihodke od prodaje električne energije in odhodke, vezane na financiranje naložbe ter samo obratovanje. Naložba izkazuje pozitivne ekonomsko merljive kazalnike, prav tako interna stopnja donosnosti presega določeno z uredbo. V nalogi je za naložbo izdelana tudi analiza občutljivosti za najpomembnejše parametre. Naložba je vsekakor ekonomsko opravičljiva in potrebna za zagotovitev energetske neodvisnosti in hkrati za izpolnitev obljube o samozadostnosti. Treba se je zavedati, da neizpolnjevanje obljube EU o rabi obnovljivih virov energije, pomeni plačevanje kazni, ki pa vsekakor ni zanemarljiva.

Keywords:hidroenergija, Sava, Suhadol, Trbovlje, Renke
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-113720 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:1852255 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.01.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Estimation of the eligibility of hydro power plants Suhadol, Trbovlje and Renke in the area of exploitation of the energy potentcial in the middle Sava
Renewable energy sources are the sources of the future. Hydropower is an important resource, but we have to keep in mind that the construction of a hydroelectric power plant has a certain environmental impact. Slovenia is still far from being self-sufficient in the field of the use of electrical energy and largely depends on imports. Our country has a great potential for renewable energy sources, but they are unfortunately underutilized, mainly for various bureaucratic reasons. One of the larger underutilized renewables is hydropower. River Sava is our longest river and is already being exploited for energy in the upper and lower part, but the middle is still neglected and currently underutilized. There is a plan of a construction of a chain of hydroelectric power plants in the middle Sava region. In my thesis, I economically examined the construction of the first three power plants in the chain, namely HPP Suhadol, HPP Trbovlje and HPP Renke. All three considered are of the flow-reservoir type. In the assignment, I financially evaluated the revenue from the sale of the electricity and included the expenses, related to the financing of the investment, and the operation itself. The investment shows positive economically measurable indicators and the internal rate of return exceeds the stipulated by the regulation as well. The thesis also includes a sensitivity analysis for the most important parameters. In any case, the investment is economically viable and necessary for ensuring energy independence, while fulfilling the promise of self-sufficiency. It is crucial to keep in mind that failure to deliver on the EU's promise to use renewable sources means paying penalties, which is certainly not insignificant.

Keywords:Hydropower, Sava, Suhadol, Trbovlje, Renke

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