
Telesna dejavnost pri gestacijskem diabetesu : diplomsko delo
ID Berdnik, Daniela (Author), ID Hiti, Nina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Uvod: Nosečnost je obdobje, ko pride v telesu ženske do fizioloških in psiholoških sprememb. Ena od teh sprememb je tudi spremenjeno uravnavanje količine glukoze v krvi. Pri nekaterih ženskah je lahko nosečnost vzrok, da inzulin ne uravnava pravilno količine glukoze v krvi, tako lahko povzroči gestacijski diabetes. O gestacijskem diabetesu govorimo, kadar se tovrstne težave prvič pojavijo med nosečnostjo. Ustrezno izbrana in odmerjena telesna dejavnost v nosečnosti ugodno vpliva na zdravje nosečnice in ploda. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je preučiti učinke različnih oblik telesne dejavnosti na gestacijski diabetes. Metode dela: Uporabili smo deskriptivno metodo dela s pregledom domače literature z uporabo Kooperativnega bibliografskega sistema COBBISS.SI in revije Zdravniški vestnik. Pregled strokovne literature v angleškem jeziku je bil opravljen preko bibliografskih podatkovnih baz: ScienceDirect, CINAHL, Medline, Sage Journals, Pubmed, Pedro in DiKUL. Rezultati: Podrobno smo pregledali in analizirali sedem raziskav, ki so ustrezale vključitvenim kriterijem in so bile objavljene med letoma 2012 in 2019. Tri raziskave so proučevale vpliv programa telesne dejavnosti na gestacijski diabetes in končne izide pri nosečnicah, ki niso imele gestacijskega diabetesa. Dve raziskavi sta proučevali vpliv programa telesne dejavnosti na gestacijski diabetes in končne izide v drugem in tretjem trimesečju nosečnosti pri nosečnicah, pri katerih je bilo tveganje za razvoj gestacijskega diabetesa povečano. Dve raziskavi sta proučevali vpliv telesne dejavnosti na gestacijski diabetes in končne izide pri nosečnicah, ki so gestacijski diabetes imele. Razprava in zaključek: Glede na rezultate analiziranih raziskav lahko zaključimo, da je nadzorovan program telesne dejavnosti, ki se prične že pred nosečnostjo oziroma, v prvem trimesečju nosečnosti in se nadaljuje skozi vso nosečnost, učinkovita metoda preprečevanja in zdravljenja gestacijskega diabetesa. 150 minut redne aerobne telesne dejavnosti na teden v kombinaciji z vajami za moč pri zdravih nosečnicah zmanjša tveganje za čezmerno povečanje telesne mase in za razvoj z njo povezanega gestacijskega diabetesa. Voden program telesne dejavnosti je, zaradi siceršnjega pomanjkanja motivacije za telesno dejavnost, najučinkovitejša metoda. Koristno bi bilo, da bi zdravstveno osebje motivaciji nosečnic za telesno dejavnost v času nosečnosti namenilo več pozornosti. S telesno dejavnostjo v nosečnosti lahko zmanjšamo oziroma preprečimo tudi negativne posledice gestacijskega diabetesa.

Keywords:nosečnost, prekomerna telesna masa, hiperglikemija, življenjski slog
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-113717 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5774443 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.01.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Physical activity with gestational diabetes : diploma work
Introduction: Pregnancy is time, when physiological and psychological changes occur in the body. One of the changes is also altered glucose quantity regulation. In some cases the pregnancy can be the cause for insulin not to regulate the correct quantity of glucose, which can cause gestational diabetes. We talk about gestational diabetes when problems first occur during pregnancy. Properly selected and measured physical activity during pregnancy has a beneficial effect on the health of the pregnant woman and the fetus. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to examine the effects of various forms of physical activity on gestational diabetes. Working methods: We used a descriptive method of working with a review of domestic literature using the Cooperative Bibliographic System COBISS.SI and the journal Zdravniški vestnik. A review of the professional literature in English was conducted through bibliographic databases: ScienceDirect, CINAHL, Medline, Sage Journals, Pubmed, Pedro and DiKUL. Results: We thoroughly reviewed 7 studies that met the inclusion criteria and were published between 2012 and 2019. Three studies examined the impact of a physical activity program on gestational diabetes and the final outcomes in pregnant women who did not have gestational diabetes. Two studies examined the impact of physical activity program on gestational diabetes and the final outcomes of pregnancy in the second and third trimesters of pregnant women who were at increased risk for gestational diabetes. Two studies out of seven examined the impact of physical activity on gestational diabetes and the final results in pregnant women who already had gestational diabetes. Discussion and conclusion: According to the results of the research, we can conclude that the controlled program of physical activity that starts before pregnancy or in the first trimester and continue throughout the whole pregnancy is an effective method of preventing and treating gestational diabetes. 150 minutes of regular aerobic physical activity combined with strength training reduces the risk of overweight and associated gestational diabetes with healthy pregnant women. A guided physical activity program is more effective method due to lack of motivation for physical activity. It would be helpful for medical staff to pay more attention to motivation for physical activity during pregnancy. Physical activity during pregnancy can also reduce or prevent the negative effects of gestational diabetes.

Keywords:pregnancy, overweight, hyperglycemia, lifestyle

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