
Komunikacija in delo z ljudmi z demenco v Centru starejših Horjul
ID Šifrer, Nadia (Author)

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Vsaka bolezen terja določen davek in tudi demenca ni izvzeta iz tega. Spremljajo jo stres, bolečine in druge težave. Najtežje pa je ljudem z demenco in njihovim sorodnikom, ker se je težko sprijazniti s tem, da te oseba, ki te je vzgajala, te skozi življenje učila vrednot in ti stala ob strani, ne prepozna več. Sorodniki se pogosto srečujejo s situacijami, ko ne vedo, kako naprej. Ljudem z demenco predstavljajo izziv že čisto osnovne stvari, njihovi sorodniki pa brez znanja in razumevanja o demenci težko sobivajo z njimi, ker ne vedo, kako bi jim pomagali. Zato se na koncu odločijo za institucionalno obliko varstva starih ljudi. Z magistrskim delom sem želela raziskati področje demence v Centru starejših Horjul tako s perspektive zaposlenih, ki delajo z ljudmi z demenco, kot tudi s perspektive sorodnikov ljudi z demenco, ki tam bivajo. V teoretičnem delu sem predstavila, kaj demenca sploh je in modele razumevanja demence. Ker sem raziskavo delala v Centru starejših Horjul, ki sodi v institucionalno varstvo, sem predstavila tudi institucionalno oskrbo ljudi v domovih za stare. Nadalje sem opisala tudi metode dela z ljudmi z demenco v domovih za stare in pa vlogo socialne delavke ter socialnega dela v domovih za stare. Pozornost sem namenila tudi komunikaciji z ljudmi z demenco, ki je zelo pomembna, saj na tem področju z napredovanjem bolezni pešajo. Raziskava je pokazala, da je bilo nekoč socialno delo z bodočimi stanovalci drugačno. Socialna delavka v domu se trudi za dobrobit ljudi z demenco in prav tako tudi ostalih stanovalcev ter zaposlenih. Ugotovila sem, da zaposleni pri delu z ljudmi z demenco uporabljajo validacijo po Naomi Feil. Primanjkuje pa jim kadra, saj se je pokazalo, da imajo premalo časa za bolj individualno delo z ljudmi z demenco. Ugotovila sem še, da imajo zaposleni dovolj znanja s področja dela z ljudmi z demenco ter da so sorodniki ljudi z demenco istega mnenja. Težave, ki se pojavljajo na področju oskrbe ljudi z demenco v Centru starejših Horjul, pa se kažejo v velikem pomanjkanju kadra, časa za individualno obravnavo ljudi z demenco ter pomanjkanju prostora. Intervjuvanci pravijo, da se ob pojavu težav pri delu z ljudmi z demenco obrnejo na socialno delavko, družino, prijatelje, sodelavce ali pa sami poiščejo drugo rešitev.

Keywords:demenca, ljudje z demenco, institucionalna oskrba, delo z ljudmi z demenco, komunikacija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-113671 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.01.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Communication and work with people with dementia in Center of older people Horjul
Every disease takes its toll and dementia is no exception. It is accompanied by stress, suffering, and other difficulties. The most difficult part of this disease for the people with dementia and their relatives is the fact that a parson who raised you, taught you your values, guided you through life, does not recognise you anymore. Relatives often face the situation when they don’t know what to do anymore, or how to go on. Even preforming the simplest of chores becomes a big challenge for the people effected with this disease which their relatives often don’t know or understand therefore they have a hard time living with such a person and they don’t know how to help. Often there is no other way than to put such a person into an institution that takes care of their needs and safety. My master’s degree thesis is based on my research at the Center starejših Horjul where I studied the perspective of the people that are working with the people with dementia and the relatives of a person with such affliction. In my theoretical framework of this thesis I examine and explain the fundamentals of dementia and also the models for understanding of this disease. Since I conducted my research at the public institution Center starejših Horjul, I also explored and made institutional care for the older people part of my thesis which also includes various methods of professional care of the people with dementia and what capacity social worker and social services can be of help in these cases. My emphasis was put especially on the communication with people with dementia which is very important since communication is getting more difficult as disease progresses. Research showed that social workers, in the past, used different methods of working with the future residents of the institutions for older people. Social worker is trying hard to improve welfare of the people with dementia, other residents at the facility, and also existing staff. I found out that staff uses Naomi Feil validation therapy when working with people with dementia. Unfortunately they are short staffed therefore they cannot spend much time working individualy with people with dementia. I also found out that staff has extensive knowledge concerning the methods of caring for the people with dementia which are also approved by the relatives of the people with dementia. Problems concerning the care of the people with dementia arise from the fact that the institution is short staffed and there is very little time to work with each individual person. Care facility is also short of space. People I interviewed told me that in case of a problem they contact social workers, family, friends, and coworkers or find their own solutions

Keywords:dementia, people with dementia, institutional care, working with people with dementia, communication

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