
ID Kodre, Tina (Author), ID Šumi, Irena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V svoji magistrski nalogi sem raziskala potrebe uporabnikov prepovedanih drog, ki so vključeni v nizkopražni program zmanjševanja škode v lokalni dnevni center. V Novi Gorici deluje organizacija Šent, v Kopru pa organizacija Svit. V teoretičnem delu sem predstavila definicije različnih avtorjev o tem, kaj je uživanje prepovedanih drog, zasvojenost, odvisnost, in kakšni so življenjski poteki uživalcev in njihove temeljne pravice. Nadalje sem predstavila tri modele politike do drog, ki so uveljavljene po svetu: obravnavam predvsem v javnozdravstveni model, ki je aktualen v Sloveniji. Osredotočila sem se na vidike zmanjševanja škode in nizkopražne programe ter njihove storitve, ki so na voljo uporabnikom prepovedanih drog v Sloveniji. Obenem sem bila pozorna na vlogo strokovnih delavcev, ki delujejo v tovrstnih programih, in se opirala na tehnike pomoči, ki so uveljavljene v stroki socialnega dela. Predstavila sem tudi nekaj nizkopražnih storitev, ki so uspešne v državah z bolj permisivno politiko do drog: to sta varna soba in heroin na recept. Razumevanje same problematike uporabe prepovedanih drog nam omogoči, da lahko skupaj z uporabnikom raziskujemo različne možnosti, kako izboljšati kakovost njegovega življenja. Naloga temelji predvsem na raziskavi potreb uporabnikov, ki bi, če bi jih upoštevali, pripomogle k dvigu ravni kakovosti njihovega življenja. Raziskava temelji na osnovnem izkustvenem gradivu, zbranem z individualnimi pogovori z osmimi sogovorniki. Populacija, ki sem jo vključila v raziskavo, so uporabniki prepovedanih drog v starostnem razponu od 19 pa do 45 let, ki so vključeni v program dnevnega centra Šent in Svit.

Keywords:uporabniki prepovedanih drog, potrebe uporabnikov prepovedanih drog, zmanjševanje škode, politika drog, socialna izključenost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-113500 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.01.2020
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Title:The needs of illicit drug users in the regions of Nova Gorica and Koper: a harm-reduction model
In the thesis, I researched the needs of drug users involved in low-threshold harm reduction program in the local daily centre. The organization Šent operates in Nova Gorica, and Svit, in Koper. In the theoretical part of the thesis, I presented the framework thinking of different authors on the subject of drug use, addiction, dependence, the user’s life trajectory, and their fundamental rights. Also presented are three models of drug use/management policy that are well-established worldwide. I focused on the current Slovenian public health model, specifically, the aspects of harm reduction and low-threshold programs and their services that are currently available to drug users in Slovenia. At the same time, I emphasized the role of professionals working in such programs, and the assistance techniques of the social work profession. I also presented selected low-threshold services that have proven successful in countries with more permissive drug policies, e.g. safe consumption room, and prescription heroin. Understanding the problem of illicit drug use allows us to explore with the user the various options for improving the quality of their life. The thesis is thus based on primary experiential material and gathered in eight interviews with individual collocutors. The population included are users of illicit drugs aged from 19 to 45 years, and who attend the Day Centre Šent and Svit activities respectively. I used a uniform questionnaire to collect the basic data and perform a quick needs assessment adapted to my research needs.

Keywords:Illicit drug users, illicit drug users' needs, harm reduction, drug policy, social exclusion

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