
Superkritične tekočine
ID Cujnik, Marko (Author), ID Jamnik, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Superkritičnih tekočin ne srečujemo v vsakdanjem življenju, saj so v naravi prisotne samo v okoljih z ekstremnimi pogoji. Tako, se z njimi srečujemo le v znanosti, torej v laboratorijih, kjer take pogoje lahko zagotovimo. Superkritične tekočine se pogosto uporabljajo pri različnih proizvodnih postopkih, saj imajo posebne lastnosti, zaradi katerih se razlikujejo od običajnih tekočin in plinov.

Keywords:Superkritična tekočina, fazni diagram, kritična točka, gostota, topnost, viskoznost, toplotna prevodnost, difuzijski koeficient, ekstrakcija, kromatografija.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-113455 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:1538458307 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.01.2020
CUJNIK, Marko, 2019, Superkritične tekočine [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 28 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Supercritical fluids
Supercritical fluids are not encountered in everyday life, as they are only present in nature in environments with extreme conditions. Thus, we only encounter them in science, that is in laboratories where such conditions can be assured. Supercritical fluids are widely used in various industrial processes because they have special properties that make them different from ordinary liquids and gases.

Keywords:Supercritical fluid, phase diagram, critical point, density, solubility, viscosity, thermal conductivity, diffusion coefficient, extraction, chromatography.

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