
Socialnopravni položaj poklicnih nogometašev
ID Prinčič, Marko (Author), ID Strban, Grega (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo obravnava položaj poklicnih nogometašev, ki ga ti zasedajo v socialnih zavarovanjih v Sloveniji. Profesionalni nogometaši delo opravljajo v različnih oblikah in tako ne tvorijo homogene kategorije. Večina profesionalnih nogometašev v Sloveniji je samozaposlenih, kar predstavlja posebno težavo tudi z vidika socialne varnosti. Delo obsega analizo socialnih zavarovanj in izpostavlja razlike, izhajajoče iz pravnih podlag zavarovanja nogometašev. Oblike dela poklicnih nogometašev pogojujejo razpon pravic iz socialnih zavarovanj, pri čemer so najugodnejše obravnavani zaposleni nogometaši. V delu so izpostavljeni nekateri dejavniki, ki utegnejo prispevati k izravnavi razlik v položaju vseh poklicnih nogometašev, ki izhajajo iz socialnih zavarovanj. Profesionalni nogometaši so deležni tudi nekaterih posebnih ukrepov, ki jim jih država namenja kot športnikom. Avtor ugotavlja, da so ti praviloma namenjeni najuspešnejšim športnikom ter športnikom individualnih športov, ob tem pa jih spremljajo tudi številne težave. Zakonodaja ne predvideva ukrepov, ki bi zajeli poklicne nogometaše v celoti.

Keywords:socialna varnost-poklicni nogomet-zavarovanje-šport-oblike dela-premostitveno zavarovanje-nogometni klub
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-113444 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:17105745 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.01.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Social law status of professional football players
The Master's thesis adresses the position that professional football players hold in social insurances in Slovenia. Professional footballers perform their job in different forms of work and therefore do not constitute a homogeneous group. Football players in Slovenia are predominantly self-employed, subsequently causing a particular issue also in terms of social security. The thesis comprises an analysis of social insurances and highlights differences, arising from the legal basis of football players insurance. The forms of work determine the range of social security rights, whereby the employed footballers enjoy more favourable treatment than the rest. The thesis points out certain factors that are likely to contribute to balance the differences among football players, deriving from social insurances. Professional footballers also benefit from certain specific measures that the State provides for them as athletes. Author notes, that the State's measures mainly target the most successful athletes and athletes in idividual sports and are also accompanied by numerous issues. Current legislation does not provide for measures covering all professional football players.

Keywords:social security-professional football-insurance-sports-forms of work-bridging insurance-football club

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