
Akutni učinki različnih metod vadbe za moč na nivo sladkorja v krvi pri osebah s sladkorno boleznijo tipa 2 : magistrsko delo
ID Rovan, Meta (Author), ID Dolenec, Aleš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Število obolelih za sladkorno boleznijo tipa 2 se povečuje. Pri bolezni gre za okvaro endokrinega sistema, pri katerem je zmanjšano delovanje trebušne slinavke in s tem izločanje inzulina oziroma zmanjšana občutljivost tarčnih tkiv na inzulin. Z aktivnim življenjskim slogom lahko vplivamo tako na pojav kot na zdravljenje bolezni. Populaciji s sladkorno boleznijo tipa 2 se priporoča tako aerobna vadba kot vadba za moč. Ob pregledu priporočil nismo zasledili poenotenih priporočil glede metode vadbe za moč, ki bi bila najbolj učinkovita kar se tiče akutnega učinka enkratne vadbe na nivo sladkorja v krvi. Z našo raziskavo smo želeli primerjati akutne učinke dveh metod vadbe za moč pri vadečih s sladkorno boleznijo tipa 2. Raziskavo je zaključilo 15 vadečih z diagnosticirano sladkorno boleznijo tipa 2. Vadeči so prejemali različne oblike terapije. Pred vključitvijo so izpolnili vprašalnik o zdravstvenem stanju in opravili testiranje telesne pripravljenosti za starejše. Vadeči so na treh vadbenih enotah izvajali pet vaj za moč v fitnesu Srednje šole Črnomelj. Izvajali so (1) izteg nog v nožni preši, (2) horizontalni upogib ramen, (3) poteg na prsi, (4) izteg trupa in (5) poteg. Na prvi vadbeni enoti smo vadečim za vsako vajo določili 1 ponovitveni maksimum z uporabo metode submaksimalnih bremen. Sledili sta dve vadbeni enoti v razmiku enega tedna, na katerih so vadeči naključno izvajali enkrat vadbo po intenzivni metodi in enkrat po standardni metodi 1. Pred, 10 minut po, 30 minut po in 60 minut po vadbeni enoti so si izmerili nivo sladkorja v krvi z uporabo prenosnega merilca krvnega sladkorja. Rezultate meritev smo analizirali z uporabo ANOVE za ponovljene vzorce v statističnem programu SPSS in ugotovili, da se nivo sladkorja merjen v štirih časovnih intervalih med seboj statistično ne razlikuje. Statističnih razlik nismo zaznali tudi ob upoštevanju metode vadbe. Nivo sladkorja po vadbi se ni statistično spremenil, ne glede na metodo vadbe. Po opravljenem t testu za odvisne vzorce smo zaznali, da se razlika v nivoju sladkorja v krvi pred vadbo in 10 minut po vadbi nakazuje pri intenzivni metodi za vadbo vzdržljivosti v moči. Statistično značilno razliko smo zaznali pri primerjavi nivoja sladkorja 10 minut po vadbi med intenzivno metodo in standardno metodo 1. V raziskavi nismo ugotovili pričakovanih rezultatov glede sprememb nivoja sladkorja v krvi. Glede na rezultate, ki smo jih pridobili, bi lahko razmislili o tem ali je za znižanje nivoja sladkorja v krvi res potrebna uporaba velikih bremen, ki so za starejšo populacijo ob nepravilni izvedbi in slabem strokovnem nadzoru nevarnejša od manjših bremen. Kljub rezultatom pridobljenim v naši raziskavi, teorija potrjuje ugodne učinke vadbe za moč na vadeče s sladkorno boleznijo. Omejitve naše raziskave so v majhnem vzorcu ljudi, nenatančni metodi merjenja nivoja glukoze v krvi, neprimerno usklajeni in slabo nadzorovani dieti, nivoju aktivnosti pred samim prihodom na vadbeno enoto, psihološkem stresu ter natančnosti metode določanja 1RM.

Keywords:moč, akutno, sladkorna bolezen, tip 2, vadba
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-113410 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:3514199 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.01.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Acute Effects of Various Resistance Exercise Methods on Blood Sugar Levels in People with Type 2 Diabetes
The number of people suffering from type 2 diabetes is increasing. The condition features a malfunction of the endocrine system, which causes significantly lower activity in the pancreas, consequently leading to impaired secretion of insulin or lower sensitivity of the target tissue to insulin. However, with an active lifestyle we can influence not only the treatment of the illness, but also lower the possibility of its occurrence. People with type 2 diabetes are, therefore, recommended to use aerobics as well as resistance training. After examining references, no unified references concerning the type of resistance exercise best used for an acute effect on blood sugar levels were found. The goal of our research was to compare acute effects of two resistance exercising methods on people inflicted with type 2 diabetes. The researched included 15 participants diagnosed with the aforementioned condition. They received different forms of therapy. Before commencing the tests, the participants filled out questionnaires on their state of health and then completed the elderly fitness tests. The participants performed five resistance exercises at three different exercise units. They performed (1) leg extensions on the leg press, (2) horizontal shoulder flexes, (3) chest pulls, (4) torso extensions and (5) pulls. At the first exercise unit the participants’ one-repetition maximum was determined with the submaximal exercise method. What followed were two exercise units, each of them performed in a one-week interval. The participants randomly performed these exercises; once using an intensive method, once using a standard method 1. They measured their blood sugar levels before, 10 minutes after, 30 minutes, and 60 minutes after the exercise using a portable blood sugar monitor. The results of the measurements were analysed with ANOVA for repeated measures in the statistical programme SPSS and it was found out that blood sugar levels measured in four-time intervals do not significantly differ between each other. No statistical differences were discovered even when considering the method of the exercise. The t-test for dependent samples indicated different blood sugar levels before the exercise and 10 minutes after the exercise when using the intensive resistance exercise method. A statistically significant difference was noted when comparing blood sugar levels 10 minutes after the exercise between the intensive method and standard method 1. The research did not show the expected results indicating blood sugar level differences. Considering the results, further thought could be given to the fact if using heavy loads, which can be dangerous if not properly performed and professionally supervised, in elderly groups really is important for lowering blood sugar levels. Despite the results, theory confirms favourable effects of resistance exercise on people with diabetes of any form. The limits of the research were a small sample of participants, an inaccurate blood glucose level measurement method, an unsuitable and poorly monitored diet, the level of physical activity before coming to an exercise unit, psychological stress, and the accuracy of the method determining the one-repetition maximum.

Keywords:resistance, acute, diabetes, type 2, exercise

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