
Uporabni elektronski viri za prevajanje terminologije s področja krasoslovja
ID Mavrič Bordon, Katja (Author), ID Vaupot, Sonia (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Področje krasoslovja je zanimiva tema za preučevanje na slovenskem, ker se je področje razvilo na teh tleh. Strokovnjaki področja tvorijo nove termine v angleščini zaradi potreb po mednarodnem sporočanju. Posledično si slovenski prevajalci težko pomagajo z iskanjem pravih terminov pri prevajanju strokovnega besedila. Pričujoča magistrska naloga predstavlja analizo s področja kognitivnega prevodoslovja, ki je bila izvedena med študenti prvega in drugega letnika magistrskega študija Prevajalstvo na Filozofski fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani. Z analizo smo želeli raziskati, s katerimi elektronskimi viri si lahko trenutno pomagamo pri prevajanju terminologije s področja krasoslovja. V analizi smo študente razdelili v dve skupini. Prva skupina je že opravila obvezno prevajalsko prakso, druga pa je še ni opravila. Nadzorovanje procesa je potekalo s pomočjo dveh računalniških programov. To sta bila Translog II in Powerpoint. Z njima smo pridobivali tehnične podatke o času trajanja prevajalskega procesa, o pritiskih na tipkovnico na minuto in število dogodkov na minuto. Omogočila sta nam tudi vpogled v pomikanje prevajalcev po virih in ugotovili, katere so izbrali, da so našli pravilne prevode.

Keywords:elektronski viri, krasoslovje, Translog, snemanje zaslona, kognitivno prevodoslovje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-113405 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.01.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Useful electronic sources for translating karst terminology
In Slovenia, karstology is an interesting research subject as this field has its roots on Slovenian territory. International communication forces experts of this field to form new terms in English. Consequently, Slovenian translators have difficulties finding the right terms needed for translating a technical text. This thesis presents an analysis from the field of cognitive translation studies that was carried out among students of the first and second year at master level of Translation Studies at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana. We wanted to find out which electronic sources are useful for translating terminology from the field of karstology at the moment. In the analysis, we divided students in two groups. The first group has already completed the obligatory translation internship and the second group has not completed it yet. We monitored the process with the help of two computer programs, Translog II and Powerpoint. They helped us to obtain technical data about the duration of each process, about the strokes on the keyboard per minute and the number of events per minute. They also enabled us to track translators’ moves across the sources so we could find out which sources led them to the correct translations.

Keywords:electronic sources, karstology, Translog, screen recording, cognitive translation studies

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