Scientific information on hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) photosynthesis is relatively scarce. We investigated photosynthetic traits of cannabis, comparing two morphologicaly distinct breeding lines (MX-CBD-11 in MX-CBD-707) which have characteristics of two subspecies ssp. sativa and ssp. indica. Plant photosyntetic parameters were measured with Li6400xt (LiCor, USA) at vegetative and flowering stage. Photosynthetic rate at chamber conditions (A), photosynthetic capacity (Amax), photosynthetic light response (AQ) curves and photosynthetic CO2 response (ACi) curves, were compared. Photosynthetis of MX-CBD-11 and MX-CBD-707 were 9,76 ± 0,91 µmol CO2 m-2 s-1 and 11,57 ± 0.91 µmol CO2 m-2 s-1, respectively, at the vegetative stage, but higher photosynthetic rates in MX-CBD-707 compared to MX-CBD-11 were found at reproductive stage (10,69 ± 1,53 vs. 8,00 ± 0,91 µmol CO2 m-2 s-1). Light saturation of photosynthesis occured at 600 µmol PPFD. Under saturating light conditions and elevated CO2 plant photosynthesis averaged 30 µmol CO2 m-2 s-1 with maxima at 36 µmol CO2 m-2 s-1. Breeding lines did not differ ACi and AQ parameters, but exibited differences in respiration (Rd) and stomatal conductance (gs). Differences in A did not translate in biomass produciton as the breeding line MX-CBD-11 significantly surpassed MX-CBD-707 in overall biomass. Differences in flower to stem ratio's and root mass, suggest different carbon alocation patterns of the breeding lines.