
Računske metode za določitev nosilnosti tlačno obremenjenih pilotov : magistrsko delo
ID Humar, Lara (Author), ID Logar, Janko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrska naloga obravnava različne računske metode za določitev nosilnosti tlačno obremenjenih pilotov s poudarkom na nosilnosti pod nogo pilota v nekoherentnih tleh, za katero po različnih avtorjih dobimo zelo različne vrednosti. V uvodnem delu naloge so predstavljene vrste pilotov in dejavniki, ki najbolj vplivajo na vertikalno odpornost pilotov (način vgradnje, način prenosa obtežbe, vloga posedkov pilotov). Drugi del naloge predstavlja princip projektiranja po Evrokodu 7 s poudarkom na geotehničnih konstrukcijah in temeljenju na pilotih. Podani so različni pristopi za določitev vertikalne odpornosti tlačno obremenjenih pilotov – neposredno iz terenskih preiskav, iz statičnega obremenilnega preizkusa, iz dinamičnega obremenilnega preizkusa, z analitičnimi in empiričnimi metodami. Poudarek je na različnih analitičnih in empiričnih metodah po različnih avtorjih, posebno na določitvi odpornosti pod nogo pilotov v nekoherentnih tleh. Za izbrane metode, ki se v Sloveniji največ uporabljajo, smo poudarili tudi omejitve oziroma predpostavke, ki so jih upoštevali posamezni avtorji. V računskem delu naloge je po posameznih avtorjih izračunana vertikalna tlačna nosilnost pod nogo pilotov za različne dimenzije pilotov in različne karakteristike tal. Zbranih je nekaj rezultatov statičnih in dinamičnih testov nosilnosti pilotov z nogo v nekoherentnih zemljinah, za katere je izračunana nosilnost pod nogo pilotov z izbranimi pristopi in primerjana z rezultati testov nosilnosti.

Keywords:tlačna nosilnost pilota, nosilnost pod nogo pilota, računske metode, Nq faktor nosilnosti, Evrokod 7
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher:L. Humar]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-113363 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:9019233 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.12.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Calculation methods for determining the pile bearing capacity in compression : master thesis
The master's thesis deals with various calculation methods for determining the pile bearing capacity in compression, with an emphasis on the end bearing capacity in cohesionless soil, for which different values are obtained according to different authors. The first part of the thesis presents the types of piles and the factors that most influence the bearing capacity of piles (installation method, load transfer, pile settlements). The second part of the thesis presents the Eurocode 7 design principle, with an emphasis on geotechnical structures and pile foundation. Various approaches are given for the estimation of the pile load capacity in compression – directly from field investigations, from static and dynamic pile load tests, by analytical and empirical methods. Emphasis is placed on different analytical and empirical methods according to different authors, especially on the determination of the end pile resistance in sandy soil. For the selected methods, which are the most used in Slovenia, we also emphasized the limitations or assumptions taken into account by individual authors. In the computational part of the thesis, the end bearing capacity is calculated according to selected authors for different pile dimensions and different soil characteristics. Some results of static and dynamic load tests for piles in cohesionless soil have been collected, for which end bearing capacity has been calculated using the approaches chosen and compared with results of load tests.

Keywords:pile bearing capacity on compression, end bearing capacity, design methods, Nq bearing factor, Eurocode 7

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