
Grafenski nanotrakovi in njihova uporaba v kompozitnih materialih
ID Plahuta, Klemen (Author), ID Genorio, Boštjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Grafen je enoslojna oblika grafita povezana z sp2 hibridiziranimi ogljikovimi atomi v heksagonalno kristalno strukturo. Grafenski nanotrakovi so trakovi grafena, ki imajo visoko razmerje med dolžino in širino in so sestavljeni iz ene ali več plasti grafena. Imajo kvazi 1D strukturo ter zanimive lastnosti – drugačne od grafena. Kljub debelini največ nekaj atomov, je eden izmed najtrših materialov, ki je hkrati odličen toplotni in električni prevodnik. Zaradi teh unikatnih lastnosti potekajo številne raziskave na področju izboljšanja mehanskih, toplotnih in električnih lastnosti materialov. Ena od možnih aplikacij grafenskih nanotrakov je izboljšanje mehanskih lastnosti kompozitnih materialov. Problem pri uporabi se pojavlja pri dispergiranju grafenskih nanotrakov v epoksi smolo, ki predstavlja ključen korak pri izdelavi kompozitnih materialov. S postopkom funkcionalizacije lahko modificiramo grafenske nanotrakove tako, da bo dispergiranje veliko učinkovitejše. S tem namenom sem v svojem magistrskem delu sintetiziral nefunkcionalizirane grafenske nanotrakove ter z epiklorohidrinom funkcionalizirane grafenske nanotrakove. Sledilo je dispergiranje pripravljenih nanotrakov v epoksi smolo ter izdelava kompozitnih materialov. S pomočjo karakterizacijskih metod sem ugotavljal uspešnost sinteze in funkcionalizacije, z mehanskimi meritvami pa ugotavljal, ali dodajanje grafenskih nanotrakov izboljša mehanske lastnosti kompozitnih materialov.

Keywords:grafenski nanotrakovi, epoksi smola, ogljikova vlakna, kompozitni materiali, mehanske lastnosti
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-113302 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:1538509251 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.12.2019
PLAHUTA, Klemen, 2019, Grafenski nanotrakovi in njihova uporaba v kompozitnih materialih [online]. Master’s thesis. [Accessed 1 April 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Title:Graphene nanoribbons and their use in composite materials
Graphene in a single-layer form of graphite with sp2 hybridized carbon atoms bonded in hexagonal crystalline structure. Graphene nanoribbons are strips with high aspect ratio and may consist of one or more layers of graphene. They have a quasi 1D structure and possess additional interesting properties compared to graphene. Despite its thickness of just a few atoms, it is one of the most durable materials with excellent thermal and electrical properties. Because of these unique properties, many studies are underway to improve the mechanical, thermal and electrical properties of materials. One of the possible applications of graphene nanoribbons is the improvement the mechanical properties of composite materials. However, dispersibility of graphene nanoribbons into epoxy resin, which is a key step in the manufacture of composite materials, represents a barrier in application. Through the functionalization process graphene nanoribbons can be modified to enhance dispersibility. Herein, I synthesized non-functionalized graphene nanoribbons and graphene nanoribbons functionalized with epichlorohydrin. This was followed by the dispersion of the prepared nanoribbons into epoxy resin and the production of composite materials. The characterization methods were used to determine the yield of synthesis and degree of functionalization. Further, the mechanical measurements were done to determine mechanical properties of graphene based nanocomposite materials.

Keywords:graphene nanoribbons, epoxy resin, carbon fibres, composite materials, mechanical properties

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