
Mnenje starejših oseb o učinkih pomoči s plesno-gibalnimi dejavnostmi na njihovo počutje
ID Stanković, Iryna (Author), ID Vute, Rajko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Vogrinc, Janez (Comentor)

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Magistrsko delo raziskuje mnenja starostnikov o vplivu metod pomoči s plesno-gibalnimi dejavnostmi na njihovo počutje. V teoretičnem delu so osvetljeni situacija povečanja odstotka starejše populacije v svetu, tj. staranja prebivalstva, fiziološki, psihološki in socialni vidik procesa staranja ter koncept zdravega, aktivnega, uspešnega staranja. Poudarjena je pomembnost gibanja za vzdrževanje zdravja in dobrega počutja, predstavljena politika Evrope in Slovenije v strategiji dolgožive družbe. Opisani so terapevtski učinki plesa, principi in metode plesno-gibalne terapije ter njihova uporaba v preventivne namene, v namene osebnostne rasti, povezanosti s svojim telesom in čustvi, formiranja integrirane osebnosti in s tem izboljšanja kakovosti življenja osebe na kognitivnem, fizičnem, psihičnem in socialnem nivoju, kar lahko prispeva k boljšemu zdravju in preventivi pred degenerativnimi obolenji. Opisane so metode pomoči s plesno-gibalnimi dejavnostmi, ki sem jih uporabljala v delu. V praktičnem delu je izvedena kvalitativna raziskava o mnenju starejših oseb o učinkih pomoči s plesno-gibalnimi dejavnostmi na njihovo počutje (kakovost življenja). Raziskava je osredotočena na starejše obiskovalce dnevnega centra aktivnosti Fužine in društva bolnikov s parkinsonizmom in drugimi ekstrapiramidnimi motnjami Trepetlika, ki se srečujejo z izzivi staranja in degenerativnimi obolenji. Dve leti sem vodila plesne delavnice v:  dnevnem centru aktivnosti za starejše občane Fužine. Delavnice so temeljile na metodah pomoči s plesno-gibalnimi dejavnostmi enkrat tedensko po eno uro na teden;  društvu bolnikov s Parkinsonovo boleznijo Trepetlika. Delavnice plesa so potekale enkrat tedensko po 1,5 ure na teden. Po izvedenih srečanjih sem izvedla delno strukturiran intervju s šestimi udeleženci delavnic. Intervjuji so analizirani s pomočjo kvalitativne analize. Raziskala sem mnenje uporabnikov o učinkih metod pomoči s plesno-gibalnimi dejavnostmi na njihovo telesno, emocionalno in socialno stanje, na fizične komponente zdravja (aerobno zmogljivost, gibljivost, ravnotežje, koordinacijo, propriocepcijo), o vlogi strukturiranega plesa kot eni od metod pomoči s plesno-gibalno umetnostjo za starejšo populacijo, terapevtske vidike plesnega nastopanja, o primernosti različnih metod pomoči s plesno-gibalno dejavnostjo, ki sem jih izbrala za delavnice kot redne gibalne aktivnosti za ohranjanje zdravja in dobrega počutja ter blaženja simptomov degenerativnih obolenj. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da imajo starejši in osebe s Parkinsonovo boleznijo pozitivno mnenje o učinkih pomoči s plesno-gibalnimi dejavnostmi na njihovo fizično, emocionalno in socialno stanje, na zavedanje telesa, da so za njih ustvarjalno gibanje in strukturirani plesi enako pomembni, da imajo pozitivno mnenje o nastopanju, če ga ni preveč, da dajejo prednost plesom v paru, vendar uživajo tudi v drugih plesnih stilih, da imajo pozitivno mnenje o izboru tehnik pri vodenju delavnic ter menijo, da imajo delavnice pozitiven učinek na vse motorične kapacitete: aerobno zmogljivost, gibljivost, moč, ravnotežje, koordinacijo in propriocepcijo.

Keywords:plesno-gibalna terapija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-113262 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12746569 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.01.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Opinion of the eldery on the effects of dance movement therapy on their well-being
This master's thesis explores the opinions of the elderly people on the impact of the methods of dance movement therapy on their well-being. The theoretical part sheds light on the situation of increasing the percentage of the world's elderly population, i.e. an aging population; physiological, psychological and social aspects of the aging process; concepts of healthy, active, successful aging. The importance of the movement for maintaining health and well-being is emphasized, the policy of Europe and Slovenia for the strategy of a long-living society is presented. I described the therapeutic effects of dancing, the principles and methods of dance-movement therapy and their usage for preventive purposes, for the purpose of personal growth, connection with one's body and emotions, the formation of an integrated personality, and thus the improvement of a person's quality of life on cognitive, physical, psychological and social levels, which can contribute to stronger health and prevention of degenerative diseases. I also described the methods of dance movement therapy that I used in my work. In the practical part, a qualitative research is conducted on the opinion of older persons on the effects of the methods of dance movement therapy on their well-being (quality of life). The study focuses on elderly participants of the Fužine Day Activity Center and the Association of the people with Parkinson disease and other extrapyramidal disorders Trepetlika, which are facing the challenges of aging and degenerative diseases. I spent two years leading dance workshops in:  Fužine Day Activity Center for senior citizens' workshops based on methods of dance-movement therapy once a week for one hour / week  at the Association of PD Workshops of dance for PD once a week for 1.5 hours / week. After the meetings, I conducted semi-structured interviews with six workshop participants. The interviews were analyzed using qualitative analysis. I researched the users' opinion on the effects of the methods with dance-movement therapy on their physical, emotional and social condition, on physical components of health (aerobic capacity, mobility, balance, coordination, proprioception), on the role of structured dance as one of the methods of dance-movement therapy for the elderly, the therapeutic aspects of dance performance, the suitability of various methods of dance-movement therapy as a regular exercise activity for maintaining health and well-being and alleviating the symptoms of degenerative diseases. The results of the study showed that older people and people with Parkinson's disease have a positive opinion of the effects of dance-movement therapy on their physical, emotional and social condition, on the body's awareness that creative movement and structured dancing are equally important to them, they have positive attitude about performance, if it is not too much to them, they prefer couple dancing, but also enjoy other dance styles, have a positive opinion about the choice of techniques in running workshops and believe that the workshops have a positive effect on all motor capacity: aerobic capacity, agility, strength, balance, coordination and proprioception.

Keywords:dance-movement therapy

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