
Kabelska izvedba visokonapetostnih elektroenergetskih daljnovodov
ID Brenčič, Aljaž (Author), ID Mihalič, Rafael (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Visokonapetostni kabli služijo prenosu energije višjih napetosti prvenstveno pod površjem. Najpogosteje se uporabljajo na delih, kjer nadzemne trase ni smiselno ali sprejemljivo izvesti. Izdelani morajo biti skladno s predpisi in zahtevami, saj kakršne koli nepravilnosti pri izdelavi vodijo do uničenja kabla in posledično do motenj pri prenosu energije, popravilo pa običajno traja dalj časa. Vse pogosteje se pojavljajo pobude po zamenjavi nadzemnih vodov s podzemnimi. Vseh prenosnih vodov ne moremo izvesti v podzemni obliki, saj ima kablovod bistveno večjo kapacitivnost v primerjavi z nadzemnim vodom. Pri manjšem številu podzemnih vodov v primerjavi z nadzemnimi to ni težava. Z večanjem števila kablovodov se kapacitivnost v sistemu zvišuje in jo moramo kompenzirati z dušilkami na vsakih nekaj kilometrov, že tako visoki ceni podzemnih tras pa moramo prišteti še kompenzacijske naprave. Polaganje kabelske trase je delikatna zadeva, saj na prenosno zmogljivost vpliva mnogo parametrov, katere moramo upoštevati. Ni vseeno, če poteka trasa skozi gozd ali pa po mestu. Upoštevati je potrebno tudi način polaganja. Kabel je lahko položen v jarku, speljan v ceveh ali v betonskih jaških oziroma kinetah. Okoliška zemlja in material, s katerim je kabel zakopan prav tako znatno vpliva na njegovo prenosno zmogljivost. To je le nekaj izzivov s katerimi se projektant srečuje pri projektiranju kabelske trase, da prenos energije poteka zanesljivo in nemoteno.

Keywords:visokonapetostni kabel, kabelska trasa, elektroenergetski sistem, načini polaganja, preizkušanje, projektiranje.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-113252 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.12.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Using cables for high voltage power transmission
High voltage cables are used for the transmission of higher voltage energy primarily below the surface. Most commonly, they are used in parts where an overhead route is not reasonable or acceptable to be laid. They must be produced in accordance to the regulations and demands because any irregularities in the process of production lead to the destruction of the cable and, consequently, to interference in the transmission of power. Repairs usually take a long time. Initiatives for changing overhead routes with underground ones emerge more and more frequently. We cannot lay all transmission lines in the underground form because an underground cable route has much more capacity in comparison to an overhead route. In the case of a smaller number of underground routes in comparison to overhead routes, this is not a problem. By increasing the number of cable routes, the capacity in the system is increasing and we have to compensate it by means of throttles every few kilometers. We must add a cost of compensation devices to the price of underground routes, which is already high. Laying cable route is a delicate matter because we have to consider a lot of parameters, which influence the transmission capacity. It matters whether the route is directed through the forest or through the town. We also have to consider the method of laying. A cable can be laid in a ditch, inserted in a tube or in concrete shafts or trenches. The surrounding soil and materials by which a cable is buried also significantly affect its transmission capacity. These are just a few of the challenges that a building designer faces when planning a cable route in order to ensure as much reliable and undisturbed power transmission as possible.

Keywords:high voltage cable, cable route, power system, methods of laying, testing, planning.

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