
Doživljanje odraščanja mladostnikov z motnjo avtističnega spektra : diplomsko delo
ID Lovrenčič, Nuša (Author), ID Gričar, Nevenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Uvod: Motnje avtističnega spektra so razvojne in kompleksne motnje, ki so nevrobiološko pogojene in vplivajo na vse vidike socialnega razvoja. Najbolj se težave odražajo kot nepravilnosti v komunikaciji in socializaciji ter kot omejeni interesi in ponavljajoči se vzorci vedenja. Tudi kadar so posamezniki z motnjo avtističnega spektra zelo nadarjeni, lahko omenjeni primanjkljaji otežijo proces zaključevanja šolanja ter pridobivanje in ohranitev zaposlitve. Prav tako je lahko zaradi nepoznavanja socialnih pravil in senzornih težav oteženo vključevanje v razne vsakodnevne aktivnosti. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je ugotoviti kako mladostniki z motnjo avtističnega spektra doživljajo obdobje odraščanja. Metode dela: V diplomskem delu smo uporabili kvalitativno raziskovalno metodo. Podatke smo pridobili s pol-strukturiranim intervjujem. Za izvedbo raziskovalnega dela smo se povezali z enim izmed društev za osebe z motnjo avtističnega spektra. Sodelovalo je 5 mladostnikov, starih med 15 in 24 let. Transkripte intervjujev smo obdelali po metodi kvalitativne analize. Rezultati: Po izvedbi kvalitativne analize podatkov smo prišli do oblikovanja sedmih tem, ki zaznamujejo obdobje odraščanja mladostnikov z motnjo avtističnega spektra, in sicer: (1) vpliv diagnoze na mladostnika, (2) šolanje, (3) socialni odnosi, (4) vključevanje v aktivnosti, (5) ovire na področju socialnega vključevanja, (6) prevelik odziv na senzorne dražljaje ter (7) želje za prihodnost. Razprava in zaključek Motnje avtističnega spektra se pri vsakem posamezniku odražajo drugače. Udeleženci so izpostavili težave pri komunikaciji, socialni interakciji, vključevanju v novo okolje ter na področju senzorne integracije. Obdobje šolanja je večini udeležencev predstavljajo težavno obdobje, probleme pa so mladostnikom pogosto predstavljali sošolci, ki so se iz njih norčevali. Po mnenju udeležencev so ljudje še vedno premalo ozaveščeni o avtizmu, kar otežuje vključevanje oseb z motnjo avtističnega spektra v družbo ter predstavlja oviro pri iskanju zaposlitve, ki je najpogosteje izpostavljena želja vseh udeležencev. Delovni terapevti lahko s svojim znanjem pomembno prispevamo k vključevanju oseb z motnjo avtističnega spektra v socialne skupine skozi vsa starostna obdobja.

Keywords:adolescenti, aspergerjev sindrom, senzorna integracija, prehod v odraslost
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-113224 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5752427 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.12.2019
LOVRENČIČ, Nuša, 2019, Doživljanje odraščanja mladostnikov z motnjo avtističnega spektra : diplomsko delo [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 1 April 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Experiencing the development of adolescents with autism spectrum disorder : diploma work
Introduction: Autism spectrum disorder is a developmental and complex disorder which is neurobiologically conditioned and affects all aspects of social development. Difficulties are mostly reflected as communication and social impairments, and as limited interests and repetitive behaviour patterns. Even when individuals with autism spectrum disorder are very talented, the aforementioned deficiencies can complicate the process of school completion and recruiting and maintaining an employment. Additionally, insufficient knowledge of social norms and sensory issues could cause difficulties in the integration process of everyday activities. Purpose: The purpose of this diploma thesis is to establish the information on how adolescents with autism spectrum disorder perceive the transition to adulthood. Methods: We used a qualitative research methodology in this diploma thesis. Data was obtained through a semi-structured interview. In order to carry out the research work, we collaborated with one of the autism spectrum disorder societies. 5 adolescents between the age of 15 and 24 participated. The interview transcripts were analysed by using the qualitative analysis method. Results: After a carryout of the qualitative data analysis, we formed seven themes that mark the period of adolescents’ development with autism spectrum disorder: (1) the diagnosis impact on an adolescent, (2) education, (3) social relationships, (4) activities integration, (5) obstacles in the social participation, (6) excessive response to the sensory stimulation and (7) future goals. Discussion and conclusion: Autism spectrum disorder is reflected differently on each individual. Participants highlighted difficulties in communication, social interaction, environment and sensory integration. Education years induced difficult time for most of the participants, furthermore, difficulties were often caused by participants’ schoolmates with their taunts. According to the participants, people are still poorly aware about autism which hinders the integration of people with autism spectrum disorder and presents obstacles of an employment search which is commonly highlighted participants’ desire. Occupational therapists can significantly contribute to the social integration of people with autism spectrum disorder in all age groups.

Keywords:adolescents, asperger syndrome, sensory integration, transition to adulthood

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