
Kraniosakralna terapija v nosečnosti in poporodnem obdobju : diplomsko delo
ID Obrovac, Ines (Author), ID Mivšek, Ana Polona (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Pavel, Nastja (Comentor)

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Uvod: Nosečnost je fiziološko stanje, prepleteno s številnimi telesnimi in duševnimi spremembami, ki lahko včasih pri nosečnicah povzročajo nelagodje. Za zmanjševanje bolečin v hrbtu in kolkih, telesnih napestosti in za optimalno pozicioniranje ploda lahko uporabimo kraniosakralno terapijo. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je pregled literature o kraniosakralni terapiji v nosečnosti in poporodnem obdobju. Metode dela: Pri diplomskem delu je bila uporabljena opisna metoda dela s pregledom znanstvene in strokovne literature na temo kraniosakralne terapije v nosečnosti in poporodnem obdobju. Avtorica je literaturo pridobila s pomočjo mednarodnih iskalnih baz PubMed, Cochrane Library, Medline, Cinahl, Science Direct, preko digitalne knjižnice Univerze v Ljubljani DiKUL, kooperativnega online bibliografskega sistema in servisa COBISS.si ter s pomočjo spletnih brskalnikov. Izbranih je bilo 87 raziskav, od katerih je bilo po dodatnem kritičnem vsebinskem pregledu uporabljenih 56. Avtorica je za namene diplomske naloge vključila literaturo, staro do 20 let. Rezultati: Raziskav na danem področju ni veliko in večina vsebuje pomanjkljive podatke za kritično interpretacijo rezultatov. Izvedene raziskave kažejo, da je kraniosakralna terapija od 81% do 95% uspešna pri reševanju težav pri nosečnicah z bolečinami v križu in/ali bolečinami v medeničnem obroču ter pri odkrivanju in zdravljenju različnih psiholoških in fizioloških motenj pri otrocih. Razprava in zaključek: V slovenskem prostoru bi bilo potrebno terapijo predstaviti širši javnosti. Potrebna bi bila obsežna longitudinalna raziskava, s katero bi lahko dokazali pozitivne in negativne učinke terapije.

Keywords:kraniosakralna terapija, nosečnost, bolečine v hrbtenici, poporodno obdobje, novorojenček
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-113195 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5748331 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.12.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Craniosacral therapy in pregnancy and postnatal : diploma work
Introduction: Pregnancy is a physiological state which is intertwined with various physical and emotional changes. These often cause discomfort. To minimise the pain in the back and hips, physical tension and to encourage the optimum position of the foetus the craniosacral therapy can be used. Purpose: The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to examine the literature about the craniosacral therapy during pregnancy and postnatal period literature. Methods: The descriptive method of work was used in the making of this thesis, together with a systematic overview of the scientific writings and literature on the subject of the craniosacral therapy during pregnancy and postnatal period literature. The author has gathered the literature by looking into the international search base PubMed, Cochrane Library, Medline, Cinahl, Science Direct, via the digital library of the University of Ljubljana DiKUL, cooperative online bibliographic system and service COBISS.si, as well as other web browsers. 87 researches were chosen. Out of which 56 researches were used after an additional thorough examination. Literature not older than 20 years was used for the selection of articles and researches included in this examination. Results: There are not a lot of researches on the given topic and the majority lacks enough data for a critical interpretation of results. However, the carried out researches suggest that the craniosacral therapy is 81% - 95% efficient not only in solving problems of pregnant women with back pain and/or pelvic pain, but also in discovering and treating of various dysfunctions with children. Discussion and conclusion: This therapy should be presented to a wider Slovenian audience and introduced to our daily life. The frequency of its use ought to be researched and a longitudinal study should be made, which would prove its positive and negative impact.

Keywords:craniosacral therapy, pregnancy, back pain, postnatal period, a newborn

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