
Povezanost telesne aktivnosti, psihosomatskih simptomov in prezentizma
ID Petrovčič, Andreja (Author), ID Boštjančič, Eva (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V povezavi z zdravjem na delovnem mestu se v zadnjih letih pojavlja vse več zanimanja za prezentizem. V raziskavi smo preučevali povezanost telesne aktivnosti, psihosomatskih simptomov in prezentizma z namenom izboljšanja prepoznavnosti problematike prezentizma ter promocije zdravja na delovnem mestu. Osrednji cilj raziskave je bil preučiti odnose med omenjenimi konstrukti na slovenskem vzorcu zaposlenih ter ugotoviti, ali se posamezne spremenljivke telesne aktivnosti in psihosomatski simptomi izkažejo kot pomembni napovedniki prezentizma. Na vzorcu 514 zaposlenih smo uporabili tri vprašalnike (Vprašalnik o bolnikovem zdravju, Vprašalnik omejitev pri delu in Stanfordsko lestvico prezentizma) ter sklop vprašanj o telesni aktivnosti. Rezultati so pokazali, da na slovenskem vzorcu zaposlenih obstaja statistično pomembna povezava med psihosomatskimi simptomi in prezentizmom. S prezentizmom so pomembno povezane tudi nekatere spremenljivke telesne aktivnosti, in sicer pogostost, trajanje telesne aktivnosti, zmerno intenzivna in visoko intenzivna telesna aktivnost, splošna ocena telesne aktivnosti, aerobna vadba in vaje za moč ter zunanja regulacija. Obenem so rezultati pokazali statistično pomembno povezavo med psihosomatskimi simptomi in določenimi spremenljivkami telesne aktivnosti: to so pogostost, trajanje telesne aktivnosti, zmerno intenzivna in visoko intenzivna telesna aktivnost, splošna ocena telesne aktivnosti, aerobna vadba in vaje za moč ter zunanja, integrirana in intrinzična regulacija. Stopnja prezentizma in stopnja absentizma sta bili na vzorcu slovenskih zaposlenih pozitivno povezani. Prav tako se je izkazalo, da so starost, splošna ocena telesne aktivnosti ter splošna, aerobna telesna aktivnost pomembni napovedniki prezentizma. Kot pomembni napovedniki psihosomatskih simptomov so se izkazali spol, starost, izobrazba ter splošna, aerobna vadba. Analiza rezultatov je tudi pokazala, da odnos med telesno aktivnostjo in prezentizmom moderirajo psihosomatski simptomi. Prispevek opozarja na to, da imajo zaposleni s psihičnimi ali fizičnimi zdravstvenimi težavami na delovnem mestu manjši odstotek produktivnega časa kot zdravi zaposleni, telesna aktivnost pa je za obvladovanje psihosomatskih simptomov in izgube produktivnosti na delovnem mestu lahko stroškovno učinkovit ukrep.

Keywords:prezentizem, storilnost zaposlenih, somatizacija, telesna aktivnost, zaposleni
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-113163 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.12.2019
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Secondary language

Title:The relationship of physical activity, psychosomatic symptoms and presenteeism
In relation to workplace health, there has been an increasing interest in presenteeism in recent years. This study investigated the relationship of physical activity, psychosomatic symptoms and presenteeism, with the aim of increasing the visibility of presenteeism and promoting health on workplace. Our main research interest was to examine the relationships between the mentioned constructs on the Slovenian sample of employees and to determine whether individual variables of physical activity and psychosomatic symptoms prove to be important predictors of presentism. Three questionnaires (Patient Health Questionnaire, Work Limitations Questionnaire and Stanford Presenteeism Scale) and a set of physical activity questions were administred on the sample of 514 employees. The results showed a statistically significant relationship between psychosomatic symptoms and presenteeism in the Slovenian sample of employees. In addition, results showed significat association between presenteeism and some variables of physical activity - frequency, duration of physical activity, moderately intense and high intense physical activity, general evaluation of physical activity, aerobic exercise, strength exercises and external regulation. Further results showed a statistically significant association between psychosomatic symptoms and some variables of physical activity; these are frequency, duration of physical activity, moderately intense and high intense physical activity, general evaluation of physical activity, aerobic exercise and strength exercises, and external, integrated and intrinsic regulation. Increased presenteeism was associated with increases in reported absenteeism in the Slovenian sample of employees. Age, general evaluation of physical activity, and general, aerobic physical activity proved to be important predictors of presenteeism, while sex, age, education, and general aerobic exercise predicted psychosomatic symptoms. Analysis of the results also revealed that the relationship between physical activity and presentism is moderated by psychosomatic symptoms. The article points out that employees with mental or physical health problems have a lower percentage of productive time than healthy employees; however, physical activity can be a cost-effective measure to manage psychosomatic symptoms and loss of workplace productivity.

Keywords:presenteeism, employee productivity, somatization, physical activity, personnel

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