
Tipna slikanica kot terapevtski medij v delovni terapiji : diplomsko delo
ID Rus, Mojca (Author), ID Plemelj Mohorič, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Schmidt, Nina (Comentor)

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Uvod: Pri otrocih z okvaro vida razvoj finomotoričnih spretnosti poteka počasneje, zato se soočajo z ovirami pri izvajanju osnovnih dnevnih aktivnostih. Eden izmed načinov, s katerim spodbudimo otroka k učenju spretnosti je lahko tipna slikanica. Tipna slikanica je medij, ki ima širok namen uporabe, saj jo lahko uporabimo za vzpostavitev prvega stika, kot motivacijsko sredstvo, krepitev tipa, razvijanje finomotoričnih spretnosti, pridobivanje novih informacij. Namen: Na podlagi študije ustrezne literature smo izdelali tipno slikanico, ki je služila kot medij oziroma pripomoček za učenje izvedbe vsakodnevnih aktivnosti v delovno-terapevtski obravnavi. Metode dela: Uporabljena je bila študija primera. V študijo primera je bil vključen 6-letni slaboviden otrok. Obravnava z uporabo tipnih slikanic je potekala enkrat ali dvakrat na teden po 60 minut. Na začetku in koncu obravnave sta bila uporabljena dva ocenjevalna instrumenta, in sicer kanadsko ocenjevanje izvedbe okupacije in analiza aktivnosti po spretnostih. Rezultati: Ob koncu delovno-terapevtske obravnave je bil viden napredek pri zavezovanju čevljev z vezalkami. Izidi končnih ocenjevanj izkazujejo višjo oceno učinkovitosti izvedbe in zadovoljstva z izvedbo aktivnosti ter zmanjšanje odstopanj pri spretnostih. Razprava: Sklepamo, da uporaba tipne slikanice v delovno-terapevtski obravnavi prispeva k razvijanju spretnosti ter k večji učinkovitosti in samostojnosti uporabnika pri izvajanju osnovnih dnevnih aktivnosti. Zaključek: Tipna slikanica se je izkazala za zelo uporaben medij v delovno-terapevtski obravnavi, pri kateri lahko vsebino individualno prilagodimo in jo usmerimo proti doseganju ciljev obravnave.

Keywords:slepota, slabovidnost, delovna terapija, tipanka, osnovne dnevne aktivnosti
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-113127 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5741931 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.12.2019
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Secondary language

Title:A tactile book as therapeutic medium in occupational therapy : diploma work
Introduction: In children with visual impairment, the development of fine motor skills is slower, due to which they are faced with obstacles whilst performing their basic daily activities. A tactile picture book is one of the ways through which we can encourage a child to learn skills. A tactile picture book is a medium that offers a wide range of possible uses. It can be used to establish a first contact, strengthen the tactile senses, develop fine motor skills, obtain new information, as a motivational tool. Purpose: Based on the study of relevant literature, a tactile picture book was created, which served as a learning medium or tool helping in the performance of basic daily activities during occupational therapy treatment. Methods: A case study was used in which a 6-year-old visually impaired child was included. A 60-minute-long treatment using tactile picture books took place once or twice a week. At the beginning and at the end of the treatment, two assessment instruments were used: Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM) and the activity analysis by skills. Results: At the end of the occupational therapy treatment, progress in tying shoelaces was evident. The results of the final assessments show higher marks in performance efficiency and in satisfaction with the performance of the activities, and a decrease in skill discrepancies. Discussion: We conclude that the use of a tactile picture book in occupational therapy treatment contributes to the development of skills and to a greater efficiency and independence of the user in the performance of basic daily activities. Conclusion: The tactile picture book has proven to be a very useful medium in occupational therapy treatment in which the content can be individually adjusted and directed towards the attainment of the goals of the treatment.

Keywords:blindness, visual impairment, occupational therapy, tactile picture book, activities of daily living

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