
Mnenje učiteljev biologije o učnih ciljih za biologijo v osmem razredu osnovne šole
ID Gorenšček, Taja (Author), ID Strgar, Jelka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6101/ This link opens in a new window

V raziskavi nas je zanimalo, kakšno je mnenje slovenskih učiteljev biologije o zahtevnosti in pomembnosti učnih ciljev pri biologiji za osmi razred osnovne šole. Tudi v tujini se zavedajo, da so učenci preobremenjeni s preveliko količino podatkov, kar je lahko posledica precej obsežnega učnega načrta za biologijo. Ta od učencev zahteva pomnjenje velike količine podatkov. Pri raziskavi smo uporabili kavzalno neeksperimentalno metodo in kvantitativni raziskovalni pristop. Vzorec je predstavljalo 58 učiteljic in učiteljev biologije v Sloveniji. Pri raziskavi smo upoštevali tudi njihovo delovno dobo in končan študijski program. Kot tehniko za zbiranje podatkov smo uporabili anketiranje. Za ta namen smo pripravili anonimni vprašalnik. Učitelji so v vprašalniku z Likertovo lestvico ocenjevali zahtevnost in pomembnost učnih ciljev iz učnega načrta za biologijo v osmem razredu osnovne šole. Podatke smo statistično obdelali s programom SPSS. Ugotovili smo, da osnovnošolski učitelji menijo, da so učni cilji, povezani z zgradbo in delovanjem človeškega telesa, nadpovprečno pomembni in zahtevni. Njihove ocene pomembnosti in zahtevnosti učnih ciljev so bile dokaj enotne. Našli smo nekaj statistično pomembnih razlik glede na delovno dobo učiteljev, in sicer večinoma največjo pomembnost učnim ciljem pripisujejo učitelji z delovno dobo 20-30 let. Učitelji z delovno dobo nad 30 let so skoraj pri vseh učnih ciljih, kjer so se pojavile statistično pomembne razlike, pomembnost ciljev ocenili z najnižjimi ocenami. Pri oceni zahtevnosti učnih ciljev so učitelji z delovno dobo več kot 10 let tam, kjer smo našli statistično pomembne razlike, menili, da so cilji zahtevnejši, kot malo manj zahtevne pa so jih ocenili učitelji z delovno dobo pod 10 let. Ocene učiteljev o pomembnosti in zahtevnosti učnih ciljev glede na njihov končan študijski program so prav tako dokaj enotne. Našli smo eno statistično pomembno razliko; učitelji s končanim študijskim programom enopredmetna biologija so učni cilj, kjer smo statistično pomembno razliko našli, ocenili kot najpomembnejši, učitelji s končanimi drugimi študijskimi programi, pa so ga ocenili kot najmanj pomembnega. Statistično pomembnih razlik v oceni zahtevnosti učnih ciljev glede na končan študijski program učiteljev nismo našli. Rezultati so informacija vsem, ki se ukvarjajo z načrtovanjem biološkega izobraževanja in lahko v prihodnosti vplivajo na spremembe pri poučevanju biologije.

Keywords:osnovna šola
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-113100 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12710217 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.12.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Viewpoints of biology teachers on biology learning objectives for eighth graders
In this research we assessed the opinion of Slovenian biology teachers on the complexity and importance of the curriculum objectives in biology for pupils of the eighth-grade primary school. It is a general opinion in schools abroad as well that students have been overwhelmed by excess data, which could be a result of an extensive biology curriculum. The curriculum requires students to memorize a large amount of data. In our research we used a causal non-experimental method and a quantitative research approach. The sample consisted of 58 biology teachers from various parts of Slovenia. The survey took into the account their seniority and education achieved. To collect data, we used interviewing and an anonymous questionnaire was prepared for this specific purpose. In the Likert-scale questionnaire, teachers assessed the complexity and importance of curriculum objectives in the eighth grade of primary school curriculum. Data were statistically processed with SPSS. The questionnaire showed that primary school teachers consider the curriculum objectives related to the structure and functioning of the human body to be of above average importance and challenge. Their assessments of the importance and complexity of the learning objectives were fairly uniformed. We found some statistically significant differences with respect to teachers' seniority, with teachers who have been in the profession for 20-30 years supporting the importance of the curriculum. Teachers with a seniority of more than 30 years were the ones who rated the importance of given objectives as the least important ones in almost all curriculum objectives where statistically significant differences occurred. When assessing the complexity of curriculum objectives where the statistically significant differences were found, teachers with a seniority of more than ten years thought that the objectives were more demanding, while teachers with a seniority of less than ten years deemed them as less demanding. Teachers' assessments of the importance and complexity of curriculum objectives based on their education are as well fairly consistent. We found one statistically significant difference; Teachers with a Bachelor of Science Degree programme considered this objective as the most important, while teachers with other study programmes rated it as the least important. There were no statistically significant differences in the assessment of the complexity of the curriculum objectives regarding the teachers' achieved education. The results are informative to anyone involved in the planning of being involved in a biological education and may in the future influence changes in the teaching of biology.

Keywords:primary school

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