
Subjektiviteta živali v kazenskem pravu in motivi za kazenskopravno varstvo
ID Jager, Tajda (Author), ID Ambrož, Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Odnos človeka do živali se je v modernem svetu močno spremenil, saj je želja po nenehnem tehnološkem napredku in ekonomski rasti povzročila, da človek prepogosto pozabi na dobrobit nečloveških živih bitij. To se odraža v nepravični zakonodaji, ki v svoji esenci živali še vedno dojema kot stvari. Kljub tej definiciji pa nečloveške živali v pravnem svetu vseeno uživajo večjo zaščito kot navadni objekti, kar kaže na to, da tudi človek počasi dojema, da so nečloveške živali sposobne mišljenja in zaznavanja bolečine, zato je edino logično, da jih uvrstimo v svojo kategorijo oz. podkategorijo subjektov prava. Pravni status živali močno zaznamuje tudi specizem. Gre za razlikovanje med živimi bitji na podlagi različnih kriterijev. V tem kontekstu je pomembno, da je človek pri določanju kriterijev razlikovanja dosleden, sledi znanstvenim dognanjem in pri tem pozabi na svoje osebne interese. Po analizi relevantnih členov Kazenskega zakonika in možnih motivov za kriminalizacijo ravnanj proti nečloveškim živalim je kmalu jasno, da se v prvi vrsti varuje interes ljudi, in ne interes nečloveških živali. V prihodnosti je potrebno celotno pravno ureditev približati naravnim zakonom in s tem realnosti, v kateri človek že od vsega začetka sobiva z ostalimi živimi bitji in je s tem primoran upoštevati tudi njihov interes.

Keywords:kazensko pravo, pravice živali, pravna dobrina, mučenje živali, pravna subjektiviteta, specizem, načela inkriminiranja
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-113059 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:17094993 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.12.2019
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Title:Legal personality of animals in criminal law and motives for its protection through criminal law
Human-to-animal relationship has been subject to a lot of change in the modern world, mostly because the desire for continued technological progress and economic growth have made humans forget about the well-being of non-human animals. This led to the emergence of unjust legislation that continues to perceive animals as things. Nevertheless, nonhuman animals enjoy greater protection than ordinary objects, as humans are slowly starting to acknowledge them as living creatures capable of thinking and sensing pain. With this in mind, it is only logical to classify them either as their own category or a subcategory in relation to legal personality of humans. Legal status of animals is also marked by speciesism – a distinction between living beings based on different criteria. In this context, it is important to be consistent in determining the criteria for differentiation, to follow scientific knowledge, and above all, to forget our own personal interests. After analysing relevant Articles of the Criminal Code and possible motives for criminalization of the treatment of non-human animals, it is evident that legislation primarily protects human interests and not interests of non-human animals. In the future, it is necessary to bring the whole legal system closer to the laws of nature and thus the reality in which humans cohabits with other animals from the very beginning and are therefore obliged to take their interests into account as well.

Keywords:Criminal Law, Animal Rights, legal good, animal cruelty, legal personality, speciesism, principles of incrimination

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