
Odstranjevanje površinskih nečistoč z nelakiranih slik na izbranih delih avtorjev Franca Pavlovca in Alojzija Kogovška
ID Dragan, Barbara (Author), ID Močnik Ramovš, Lucija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Gosar Hirci, Barbka (Comentor)

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Magistrsko delo obravnava problematiko odstranjevanja površinskih nečistoč z nelakiranih oljnih slik na primeru dveh slik moderne, Tulpe Franca Pavlovca in Brez naslova Alojzija Kogovška. Sliki sta se različno odzvali na vodne sisteme za čiščenje; barvna plast Tulpe je občutljiva na vodo, medtem ko ima slika Brez naslova sicer stabilnejši barvni film, a trdovratnejše nečistoče. Predstavljeni so modernistični vzgibi avtorjev za ustvarjanje slik v tovrstnih tehnikah. V iskanju vzrokov za občutljivost na vodna sredstva se je bilo treba poglobiti v formulacijo oljne barve in njen proces izdelave. Predstavljeni so puferske raztopine, kelati, emulzije in agar gel. Iskanje ustreznega sredstva sovpada z meritvami pH površine in njene konduktivnosti. Kot alternativna rešitev se ponujajo hidrofobni premazi; opisala sem ciklododekan in ciklometikon D5. Podala sem smernice iskanja vodnega sistema za čiščenje po Paolu Cremonesiju, ki sem jim sledila v praktičnem delu. Opisala sem stanje slik pred posegom in predstavila izvedena testiranja. S slik so bili vzeti tudi vzorci, ki so bili laboratorijsko analizirani (poročili sta priloženi). Na podlagi raziskav vzorcev in testov topnosti sem predpostavljala o vzrokih za občutljivost na vodo. Sliki smo očistili in ustrezno restavrirali.

Keywords:konserviranje – restavriranje moderne slike občutljivost na vodo čiščenje površine vodni sistemi nečistoče nelakirane slike magistrsko delo
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-113021 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.11.2019
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Title:Removal of surface dirt from unvarnished paintings on selected works by France Pavlovec and Alojz Kogovšek
The master thesis is defining the problematics of cleaning unvarnished modern oil paintings on two specific paintings, Tulpe by Franc Pavlovec and Brez naslova by Alojzij Kogovšek. Each of the artworks has responded differently on the water-based systems for surface cleaning: the Tulpe’s paint layer is much more sensitive to water compared to the paint layer of Brez naslova. Although the latter is much more stable, it also has more rigid surface impurities. Tendencies of modern painters are presented in order to better understand their choice to use this painting technique. In search of causes for water-sensitivity, the oil paint’s formulation and its production process needed to be understood. Buffer solutions, chelators, emulsions and agar gel are presented along with the pH and conductivity measurements. Hydrophobic coatings, such as cyclododecane and cyclomethicone D5, are offered as an alternative solution. The master thesis also introduces some guidelines by Paolo Cremonesi on how to systematically search for the optimal water-based cleaning system. The original condition of the paintings before restoration as well as the tests results have been described. From both paintings, some samples were taken and analysed in the laboratory (reports enclosed). On the basis of sample research and solubility tests, the causes of water-sensitivity can be presumed. Both paintings have been cleaned of surface impurities and properly restored.

Keywords:conservation – restoration modern paintings water sensitivity surface cleaning water systems impurities unvarnished paintings MA thesis

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