
Razveza staršev kot dejavnik mladostnikovega subjektivnega blagostanja in samospoštovanja
ID Aškerc, Ana (Author), ID Fekonja, Urška (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu sem preučevala povezanost med razvezo staršev in mladostnikovim subjektivnim blagostanjem ter samospoštovanjem. Analizirala sem dejavnike razveze staršev, in sicer kakovost odnosa med staršem in mladostnikom ter nekatere pokazatelje socialno-ekonomskih značilnosti družine, in sicer izobrazbo staršev in mladostnikov občutek nenadnega znižanja prihodka v družini po razvezi ali razhodu staršev. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 301 mladostnikov, starih od 14 do 19 let. Od tega je imelo izkušnjo razveze ali razhoda staršev 83 mladostnikov. Za oceno subjektivnega blagostanja sem uporabila Vprašalnik duševnega zdravja – kratka oblika MHC-SF, za oceno samospoštovanja pa Lestvico samospoštovanja RSE. Kakovost odnosa med staršem in mladostnikom sem ocenila z Vprašalnikom navezanosti na starše in vrstnike IPPA, pri čemer so mladostniki izpolnili le lestvico o navezanosti na enega od staršev, s katerim imajo po njihovem mnenju najboljši odnos. Mladostniki, ki so imeli izkušnjo razveze ali razhoda staršev, so izpolnili še kratek demografski vprašalnik z vprašanji o svoji starosti ob razvezi ali razhodu, življenjski situaciji, pogostosti stikov s starši in o svojem občutku nenadnega znižanja prihodka v družini po razvezi ali razhodu. Razveza staršev se ni pokazala kot pomemben dejavnik subjektivnega blagostanja in samospoštovanja mladostnika, saj rezultati niso pokazali pomembnih razlik v subjektivnem blagostanju in samospoštovanju med mladostniki, ki so imeli izkušnjo razveze staršev in mladostniki, ki niso imeli te izkušnje. Prav tako se kot pomembna dejavnika mladostnikovega subjektivnega blagostanja in samospoštovanja nista pokazala niti izobrazba staršev, niti mladostnikov občutek nenadnega znižanja prihodka v družini po razvezi ali razhodu. Po drugi strani pa se je kot pomemben napovednik mladostnikovega subjektivnega blagostanja in tudi samospoštovanja pokazala kakovost odnosa med mladostnikom in enim od staršev. Zaključimo lahko, da je za mladostnikovo blagostanje in samospoštovanje, bolj kot razveza staršev sama, pomembna kakovost odnosa med mladostnikom in staršem oziroma občutek varnosti v tem odnosu.

Keywords:razveza, starši, mladostniki, subjektivno blagostanje, samospoštovanje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-112998 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.11.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Parental divorce as a factor of adolescent's subjective well-being and self-esteem
In my master's thesis, I explore the connection between parental divorce and adolescent subjective well-being and self-esteem. I have analysed the factors of parental divorce, such as the quality of the parent-adolescent relationship, and some indicators of the socio-economic characteristics of the family, such as parents’ level of education, as well as the sudden decline in family income after parental divorce. The study involved 301 adolescents aged 14 to 19 years, out of whom 83 had had the experience of parental divorce or separation. To assess their subjective well-being, I used the Mental Health Continuum-Short Form (MHC-SF) and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSE) to assess their self-esteem. The Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment (IPPA) was used to assess the quality of the parent-adolescent relationship, with adolescents only completing the scale about the one parent they considered to have the best relationship with. Adolescents who had experienced parental divorce or separation also completed a short demographic questionnaire with questions about their age at the time of the divorce, their life situation, the frequency of contact with their parents and their sense of the sudden decline in family income after the divorce. Parental divorce did not prove to be a significant factor in the adolescent subjective well-being and self-esteem, since the results did not show significant differences in the subjective well-being and self-esteem between adolescents who had experienced parental divorce and the ones who had not experienced it. Additionally, neither the education of the parents nor the adolescent's experience of a sudden decline in family income after the divorce appeared to be significant factors in adolescent subjective well-being and self-esteem. On the other hand, the quality of the parent-adolescent relationship with one of the parents proved to be an important predictor of the adolescent subjective well-being as well as self-esteem. It can be concluded that the quality of the adolescent-parent relationship or in other words a sense of security in that relationship plays a more significant role in the adolescent well-being and self-esteem than the parental divorce itself.

Keywords:divorce, parents, adolescents, subjective well-being, self-esteem

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