
Prihodnost mednarodnega investicijskega prava v Evropski uniji v luči sodbe Sodišča Evropske unije Slowakische Republik v Achmea BV
ID Šinigoj, Miha (Author), ID Sancin, Vasilka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko diplomsko delo obravnava prihodnost mednarodnega investicijskega prava v EU s poudarkom na investicijskih sporazumih, sklenjenih med državami članicami EU. Med temi prevladujejo bilateralni investicijski sporazumi (intra-EU BIS), za katere Evropska komisija že vse od razširitve EU leta 2004, ko se je njihovo število močno povečalo, zatrjuje, da so v neskladju s pravom EU, pridružile pa so se ji tudi nekatere države članice, ki so zatrjevano neskladje izrabile za ugovor pristojnosti arbitražnih tribunalov, ki so na podlagi intra-EU BIS odločali v sporih investitorjev proti njim. Poleg intra-EU BIS je bila podobne obravnave deležna tudi Pogodba o energetski listini (ECT), ki so jo med seboj sklenile tako države članice EU kot tretje države in ureja tuje investicije na področju energije. V marcu 2018 je o skladnosti intra-EU BIS s pravom EU v kontekstu arbitražnega postopka nizozemskega investitorja Achmea proti Slovaški odločalo tudi Sodišče EU in ugotovilo neskladje arbitražne klavzule v BIS med Nizozemsko in Slovaško s sodnim sistemom EU in avtonomijo prava EU. Medtem ko v doktrini prevladujejo razprave o posledicah ugotovljenega neskladja z vidika prava EU, magistrsko diplomsko delo odnos med intra-EU BIS oz. ECT in Pogodbo o delovanju EU (PDEU) obravnava z vidika mednarodnega prava – kot odnos med mednarodnimi pogodbami, in sicer predvsem skozi določbe Dunajske konvencije o pravu mednarodnih pogodb z upoštevanjem dosedanje arbitražne prakse, v kontekstu te analize pa upošteva tudi pomen in doseg odločitve Sodišča EU. Mednarodnopravna obravnava odnosa med intra-EU BIS oz. ECT in PDEU pokaže, da so intra-EU BIS, vključno z arbitražnimi klavzulami, še vedno veljavni in uporabljivi, prav tako je tudi v intra-EU odnosih še vedno uporabljiva ECT, tega pa ne spreminja niti odločitev v sodbi Achmea. Na drugi strani politične zaveze držav k odpovedi vseh intra-EU BIS vseeno nakazujejo konec intra-EU investicijske arbitraže na njihovi podlagi, usoda ECT pa je bolj negotova.

Keywords:mednarodno investicijsko pravo, investicijska arbitraža, EU, Achmea, intra-EU bilateralni investicijski sporazumi, Pogodba o energetski listini, Dunajska konvencija o pravu mednarodnih pogodb, neskladje med mednarodnimi pogodbami
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-112997 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:17096017 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.11.2019
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Title:The Future of International Investment Law in the European Union in the Light of the Judgement of the Court of the European Union Slowakische Republik v Achmea BV
This master's thesis explores the future of international investment law in the European Union with an emphasis on the investment agreements concluded between EU Member States. The majority of them consists of bilateral investment agreements (intra-EU BITs). Ever since their number increased significantly after the enlargement of the EU in 2004, the European Commission claims they are incompatible with EU law and is joined by some Member States that presented the alleged incompatibility as a jurisdictional objection before the investment tribunals hearing disputes brought by investors against them under intra-EU BITs. Aside from intra-EU BITs, similar claims were made in the context of the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) concluded between Member States as well as third countries, which covers foreign investments in the energy field. In March 2018, the compatibility of intra-EU BITs in the context of the arbitration proceedings between the Dutch investor Achmea and Slovakia was considered by the Court of the EU which found an incompatibility between the arbitration clause contained in the BIT between the Netherlands and Slovakia and the judicial system of the EU as well as the autonomy of EU law. While most of the theoretical discussion is focused on the consequences of the decision from the standpoint of EU law, this thesis assesses the relationship between the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU (TFEU) and the intra-EU BITs as well as the ECT respectively from the standpoint of international law, i.e. as a relationship between treaties with an emphasis on the provisions of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties while also taking into account the arbitration awards available so far. In the context of this assessment, the impact and reach of the decision of the Court of the EU is also considered. The international law analysis of the relationship between the TFEU and intra-EU BITs as well as the ECT respectively shows that the intra-EU BITs, including their arbitration clauses, remain valid and applicable while the ECT also remains applicable in the intra-EU context which is true even after the judgement in Achmea. On the other hand, the political commitment of the Member States to terminate all intra-EU BITs still suggests the end of intra-EU arbitration based on them whereas the fate of the ECT remains more uncertain.

Keywords:international investment law, investment arbitration, EU, Achmea, intra-EU bilateral investment treaties, Energy Charter Treaty, Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, treaty conflict

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