
Moderni avtoportret ali »Selfie«
ID Morgan, Petra (Author), ID Starešinič, Marica (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Eno od področij fotografije je avtoportret, ki je v zadnjih 20 letih vse bolj priljubljen med ljudmi ter posledično pogosto prisoten tudi na socialnih omrežjih. V mislih imamo seveda sodoben avtoportret ali z drugo besedo selfi, ki je običajno posnet s pomočjo pametnega telefona ali digitalne kamere. Namen diplomskega dela je teoretično in empirično opisati in raziskati t. i. selfije. Na začetku teoretičnega dela bom predstavila, razvoj vse od začetka oz. pojava avtoportreta do sodobnega selfija. V nadaljevanju bom opisala psihološko ozadje oziroma psihološko plat selfijev, ki jih objavljamo na socialnih omrežjih, zanimalo pa me bo tudi, kako lahko odzivi nanje vplivajo na posameznika. Nadaljevala bom s primeri najprepoznavnejših selfijev in z vrstami tovrstnih fotografij na spletu. V eksperimentalnem delu so predstavljeni selfiji, skupaj s parametri, ki so bili nastavljeni na fotoaparatu, in krajšo likovno analizo. Deset selfijev je bilo posnetih z digitalnim fotoaparatom Nikon D7000 in objektivom Nikkor lens (AF-S DX 35mm), dva selfija pa sta bila posneta z analogno tehniko, in sicer s fotoaparatom Minolta XG 9. Na vseh fotografijah lahko opazimo določene podobnosti v svetlobi, tonih barv in postavitvi, saj sem želela, da se fotografije nekako povezujejo, vendar se obenem med seboj razlikujejo. Skozi fotografije sem skušala poudariti in potrditi kompozicijska pravila, ki so predhodno opisana. Med fotografiranjem sem opazila, kako pomembno vlogo ima znanje, pridobljeno v času študija, praktičnega usposabljanja in nenazadnje med pisanjem teoretičnega dela. Poleg tega so pri fotografiranju pomembne še samoiniciativa, vaja, iznajdljivost posameznika ter njegovo doživljanje umetnosti.

Keywords:fotografija, selfi, avtoportret, zgodovina, psihološko ozadje, kompozicija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-112973 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.11.2019
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Title:Modern self-portrait or »Selfie«
Photography covers many areas, one of which is self-portrait. Its usage has become very popular in the past 20 years and therefore often found on social media. Here we are mostly relating to a modern self-portrait also known as selfie, which is usually captured with a smartphone or a digital camera. The purpose of this diploma thesis is to describe and explore selfies trough theory and empirical usage. At the beginning of the thesis, we will describe how self-portrait developed through history until it became the today’s selfie. Then we will describe the psychological background or psychological side of selfies, that we share on social media and how can responses to them affect an individual. We will continue with examples of the most recognizable selfies and types of such photographs found online. In the experimental part, selfies are presented, along with the parameters, which were set on the camera and brief art analysis. Ten selfies were taken with a digital camera Nikon D7000 with Nikkor lens (AF-S DX 35mm), while two selfies were taken with an analogous technique using Minolta XG 9. Through all the photos there are some similarities in the light, color tones and layout because we wanted the images to be related but somehow different from one another. In the photographs, we tried to emphasize and confirm the previously described compositional rules. While photographing we could see how important was the knowledge, gained through the years of studying, during the practical training and while writing the theoretical part of this thesis. Nevertheless while taking photos the self-initiative, experience and ingenuity of an individual are important and how he or she experiences art.

Keywords:photography, selfie, self-portrait, history, psychological background, composition

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