
Zdravstvena obravnava pacienta z Buruli razjedo : diplomsko delo
ID Grabljevec, Rok (Author), ID Pađen, Ljubiša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Uvod: Buruli razjeda (BR) je nalezljiva okužba kože, ki jo povzroča bakterija Mycobacterium ulcerans. Bolezen se pojavi na koži v obliki nodulov, plakov in lezij, ki se razvijejo v razjede in prizadanejo okončine telesa. Pojavlja se v tropskih in subtropskih predelih sveta, kjer je stopnja vlage zelo visoka (afriške, južnoameriške in nekatere druge države). Enako pogosto zbolevajo otroci in odrasli. Poleg prenosa okužbe iz okolja je znan tudi prenos s človeka na človeka. Zdravljenje je zahtevno in dolgotrajno ter prizadene kakovost življenja posameznika. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je opisati klinične in epidemiološke značilnosti BR, predstaviti zdravstveno nego in njen vpliv na kakovost življenja. Metode dela: Naredili smo pregled domače in tuje, strokovne in znanstvene literature, ki sega na področje zdravljenja in zdravstvene nege pacientov z BR. Rezultati: BR je razširjena v najmanj 33 državah s tropskim in subtropskim podnebjem. Delni podatki za leto 2017 poročajo o 2206 pojavih okužbe v 13 državah (večina primerov izvira iz Avstralije in Nigerije). Cilj zdravstvene nege je zmanjšati trpljenje, invalidnost in socialno-ekonomsko breme, ki ga občuti pacient, njegova družina in okolica, kar vpliva na kakovost življenja. Zgodnje odkrivanje in zdravljenje z antibiotiki je temelj strategije zdravljenja okužbe z Buruli razjedo. Izkušeni zdravstveni delavci lahko prepoznajo klinično diagnozo, ki je zanesljiva, in pričnejo z zdravljenjem okužbe izredno hitro. Razprava in zaključek: Zdravljenje BR je dolgotrajno, konzervativno ter v nekaterih primerih tudi kirurško. Potrebno je večje ozaveščanje o BR na območjih, kjer je pojavnost največja in tudi drugod po svetu, saj ni omejena samo na območja s visoko stopnjo vlage, temveč so znani primeri tudi v razvitejših državah. Kljub obsežnim študijam za določitev načina prenosa ni jasno, kako ljudje pridobijo bolezen iz okolja. Zato je še toliko bolj pomembna preventiva. Še vedno so omejitve glede zdravljenja pri prebivalcih na endemičnih območjih, ki zaradi ekonomskih ali drugih vzrokov ne pridejo do zdravstvene oskrbe in imajo posledično zmanjšano kakovost življenja.

Keywords:kronična bolezen, trajna funkcijska manjzmožnost, zdravstvena nega, rana, kakovost življenja
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-112951 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5733995 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.11.2019
GRABLJEVEC, Rok, 2019, Zdravstvena obravnava pacienta z Buruli razjedo : diplomsko delo [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 27 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Health care of patient with Buruli ulcer : diploma work
Introduction: Buruli ulcer (BU) is an infectious skin disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium ulcerans. Disease occurs on the skin in the form of nodules, plaques and lesions that developes into ulcers that affect the extremities of the body. It appears in tropical and subtropical areas of the world, where moisture levels are very high (Africa, South America and some other countries). Incidence is the same in children and adults. In addition to the transfer of infection from the environment, it is also known to transfer from man to man. Treatment is challenging and prolonged and affects the quality of life of the individual. Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to describe the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of BU, to present health care and its impact on the quality of life. Methods: We have made an overview of domestic and foreign, professional and scientific literature, which extends to the field of treatment and nursing patients with BU. Results: BU is widespread among at least 33 countries with tropical and subtropical areas. Partial data for the year 2017 from 13 countries reported 2206 occurence of infection (most cases originate from Australia and Nigeria). The aim of nursing is to reduce the suffering, disability and socio-economic burden of the patient, his family and the surroundings which also affects the quality of life. Early detection and antibiotic treatment is the cornerstone of the treatment strategy against infection with BU. Experienced healthcare professionals can identify a clinical diagnosis that is reliable and the treatment of infection is extremely rapid. Discussion and conclusion: Treatment of BU is prolonged, conservative and in some cases also surgically. There is a need for greater awareness of Buruli's spread in areas where the incidence is the largest and the rest of the world, as it is not limited to areas with high moisture levels, but also known examples in more developed countries. Despite extensive studies to determine the method of transmission, it is unclear how people acquire disease from the environment. Therefore, prevention is more important. There are still restrictions on treatment for residents in endemic areas that do not lead to medical care due to economic or other causes and consequently have reduced quality of life.

Keywords:chronic illness, permanent functional inferiour, nursing care, wound, quality of life

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