
Vloga medicinske sestre pri obravnavi krhkosti starostnikov : diplomsko delo
ID Derlink, Veronika (Author), ID Pajnič, Manca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Uvod: Krhkost je definirana kot ekstremna ranljivost na endogene in eksogene dejavnike, katerim so starostniki izpostavljeni, kar predstavlja večje tveganje za negativne zdravstvene izide. Prevalenca krhkosti se pri samostojnih starostnikih nad 65 let giblje okrog 7%, pri starejših pa je ta procent višji. Kot posledica krhkosti je prepoznano povečano tveganje za padce, povečana potreba po podpori pri dnevnih življenjskih in instrumentalnih aktivnostih ter povečana umrljivost, zato je izrednega pomena njeno zgodnje odkrivanje. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti krhkost pri starostnikih in vlogo medicinske sestre pri njihovi obravnavi. Metode dela: V diplomskem delu je bila uporabljena deskriptivna metoda dela s pregledom strokovne in znanstvene literature s področja zdravstvene nege ter krhkosti pri starostnikih. Iskanje je potekalo v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku s pomočjo podatkovnih baz: COBISS, CINAHL in Medline. Rezultati: Pri preprečevanju krhkosti in pri ponovni vzpostavitvi ravnovesja je ključnega pomena zdrav življenjski slog; zdrava in uravnotežena prehrana v kombinaciji z redno dnevno aktivnostjo. Medicinska sestra ima pomembno vlogo pri primarni preventivni dejavnosti, da s svojim znanjem osvešča ljudi o možnostih preprečevanja krhkosti. S pomočjo ocenjevalnih orodij si medicinska sestra pomaga pri odkrivanju krhkosti pri starostnikih. Razprava in zaključek: Zaradi naraščajočega števila starostnikov lahko v prihodnje pričakujemo vedno več zdravstvenih izzivov na področju gerontologije, kot tudi povečevanja števila krhkih starostnikov. Krhkost ni stanje, ki nujno vodi v propad človeka, vendar jo lahko ob pravilnih ukrepih preprečimo ali celo odpravimo. Na področju krhkosti pri starejših bo potrebno poglobljeno raziskovanje in razvijanje pripomočkov, ki bodo v pomoč zdravstvenemu osebju ter splošni populaciji, ter povečati osveščenost ljudi.

Keywords:krhkost, starostnik, medicinska sestra, preprečevanje, ocenjevalno orodje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-112950 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5733739 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.11.2019
DERLINK, Veronika, 2019, Vloga medicinske sestre pri obravnavi krhkosti starostnikov : diplomsko delo [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 1 April 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:The role of a nurse in the management of frail elderly : diploma work
Introduction: Frailty is defined as a syndrome of physiological decline in late life, which confers extreme vulnerability to stressors and increases the risk of a range of adverse health outcomes. The prevalence of frailty among independently living adults up to 65 years ranges about 7%, at higher age the percent is higher. The outcomes of frailty are defined as increased incidence of falls, increased need for activity of daily living and instrumental activity of daily living support and a great increase in mortality. For this reason is so important to identify frailty as soon as posible. Purpose: Purpose of this diploma work is to introduce the sindrom of frailty in elderly adults and manegement of nurses in their treatment. Methods: The diploma work was written using a descriptive method with a review of domestic and foreign literature from field of nursing and frail elderly. We have researched databases named COBISS, CINAHL with Full Text and Medline. Results: Prevention of frailty is possible and is the key of keeping good physical balance. The most important thing is healthy lifestyle, including healthy and balanced nutrition combinated with regularly daily excercise. An important role of nurse and her responsibility is to provide education to the elderly and their family in primary care. She has knowledge and power to do that. Screening tools help her identify elderly with risk of becoming frail. Discussion and conclusion: Because of increasing number of elderly, we can expect more and more health care issues related to gerontology in future, as well as rising number of frail elderly. Frailty is not the state, that necessarily lead to death, but can be prevented or dismissed with the right combination of steps. Because of that, we need to continue to research and implement new tools for screening frail elderly. That will help health care workers, frail elderly and his family and general population to spread the knowledge of frailty around the world.

Keywords:frailty, elderly, nurse, prevention, screening tool

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