
Travma in socialno delo
ID Tekavec, Katja (Author), ID Dragoš, Srečo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Travmatični ter stresni dogodki so pri ljudeh zelo pogosti. Pojavljajo se na najrazličnejših področjih. Pri posamezniku se kažejo na telesni ravni, psihični ravni ter socialni ravni. Te ravni se med seboj nenehno prepletajo in so odvisne ena od druge. V svojem delu sem želela raziskati kako hud stresni oz. travmatični dogodek vpliva na osebo z vseh vidikov zgoraj zapisanih ravni, kako se oseba s hudo stisko spoprijema, kdo ji pri tem pomaga oz. kdo jo ovira k čustvenemu ter mentalnemu napredku. V svoje raziskovanje slednjega sem vpletla moč socialnega dela. Ugotavljala sem kakšne metode, tehnike ter pristope uporablja socialni delavec pri svojem delu z osebo, ki ima izkušnjo s travmatičnim, stresnim dogodkom in nenazadnje kako je v posameznikovo izkušnjo vpletena socialna mreža, tako ožja kot širša. Rezultati analize pokažejo, da človek s travmatično, stresno izkušnjo lažje premaguje svoje doživljanje ter telesna nazadovanja, če ima socialno podporo. Raziskava pokaže, da je ožja socialna mreža, tj. družina, partner, najpomembnejša pri čustvenem ter telesne napredovanju, ter obratno. Iz raziskave je razvidno, da je prav tako kot podpora ožje socialne mreže, pomembna podpora institucij, tj. osebna zdravnica, bolnišnice, centri za socialno delo na katere se oseba lahko obrne ter ob podpori slednjih pridobi neko stabilnost ter motivacijo za nove, pozitivne začetke spopadanja s svojo negativno izkušnjo. Oseba ob socialni ter institucionalni podpori pridobiva na moči, krepi svojo samozavest ter posledično razvija in krepi tehnike za kvalitetno spopadanje s svojo doživeto izkušnjo.

Keywords:travma, travmatični dogodek, stresni dogodek, družina, partnerstvo, institucije, neenakost moči, obrambni mehanizmi, socialni vidik, psihični vidik, telesni vidik.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-112941 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.11.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Trauma and social work
Traumatic and stressful events are very common in people. They appears in various fields. They manifest themselves either at the physical, psychological or social levels. These levels are constantly intertwined with each other and depend on each other. In my work I wanted to explore how severe stress or a traumatic event affects a person from all aspects of the levels described above, how a person with severe distress copes with, who is helping or assisting her and who impedes her to emotional and mental progress. In my research, I also involved the power of social work. I observed what methods, techniques and approaches use social workers in their work with a person who had or has experience with a traumatic, stressful event, and finally how the individual's experience involved a social network - narrower than the width. The results of the analysis show that a person with a traumatic, stressful experience can more easily overcome his or her experiencing and physical decline if he or she has social support. The research shows that the narrower social network (family, partner) is most important in emotional and physical progression, and vice versa. The survey shows that the support of institutions is also important. Personal physician, hospitals, social work centers to which a person can turn and with the support of the latter to obtain a stability and motivation for new, positive beginnings to cope with their negative experience. A person with social and institutional support is gaining strength, she enhances her self-esteem and, consequently, develops and strengthens coping techniques for quality of her life and mental health.

Keywords:trauma, traumatic event, stressful event, family, partnership, institutions, inequality of power, defense mechanisms, the social aspect, the mental aspect, physical aspect.

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