
Oblikovanje in ilustracija slikovnega zemljevida
ID Ožbot, Eva (Author), ID Ahtik, Jure (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Slikovni zemljevidi, ki imajo kot popolnoma samosvoja tematika kartografije izjemno dolgo in bogato zgodovino, služijo kot medij za vizualno predstavitev nekega območja. Avtor slikovnega zemljevida z uporabo raznih grafičnih elementov uporabniku zemljevida nudi dodatne informacije in vsebino, ki ga navadni zemljevidi, atlasi in topografske karte ne morejo doseči. Slikovni zemljevid kot unikatna kombinacija zemljevida, slike in besedila izobražuje in se uporablja za promocijo krajev, regij, držav, transporta in ostalih storitev. V magistrskem delu smo se osredotočili na vprašanje, kako ustvariti slikovni zemljevid za predstavitev območja Zgornjesavske doline, kakšnih pravil se je treba držati, da bo zemljevid čitljiv in razumljiv, katere grafične elemente uporabiti in kakšen slog ilustracije izbrati, da bo interakcija med bralcem in zemljevidom čim boljša. Želimo, da bi naš zemljevid deloval kot medij za predstavitev kulturne in naravne dediščine Zgornjesavske doline in bi s kombinacijo vabljive vizualne podobe in jasno razdelane vsebine na bralce prenesel informacije tega območja ter jih spodbudil k obisku. Raziskali smo zgodovino nastanka prvih zemljevidov, njihov razvoj in vlogo skozi stoletja ter njihov vpliv na slikovne zemljevide, kakršne poznamo danes. Tem smo sledili od njihovega razvoja v dvajsetem stoletju v Angliji do njihovega razcveta v združenih državah Amerike, pri čemer smo bili pozorni na njihovo vlogo v oglaševanju in izobraževanju. Spoznali smo različne vidike oblikovanja slikovnih zemljevidov, na katerih smo zasnovali avtorski slikovni zemljevid, oblikovan v eksperimentalnem delu naloge.

Keywords:grafični elementi, kartografija, slikovni zemljevid, slog ilustracije
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-112936 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.11.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Design and illustration of pictorial map
Pictorial maps, which are a part of a unique genre in cartography and have a very long and rich history, serve as a medium for visual representation of a certain area. With the help of various graphic elements, the author of pictorial maps provides the map user additional information and context that regular maps, atlases in topographic maps are unable to. Pictorial maps as a unique combinations of a map, images in text are used to educate and to promote places, regions, countries, transportation and other services. In the master's thesis we have focused on the question of how to create a pictorial map to represent the Upper Sava Valley area, the rules we need to follow in order to make the map legible and understandable, which graphic elements to use and what style of illustration to choose to make the interaction between the reader and the map as best as possible. We would like our map to act as a medium for presenting cultural and natural heritage in the Upper Sava Valley in order to convey information to the reader through a combination of an attractive visual image and clear content and to encourage him to visit the area. We researched the history of the creation of the first maps, their evolution, their role over the centuries, and influence on the pictorial maps we know today. We have followed the latter from their development in the twentieth century in England to their golden age in the United States, paying attention to their role in advertising and education. We learned about various aspects of pictorial map design, which we used to design our own pictorial map in the experimental part of the assignment.

Keywords:graphic elements, cartography, pictorial map, illustration style

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