
Delavci migranti in njihove socialne pravice
ID Remic, Špela (Author), ID Strban, Grega (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Danes se ves svet spopada s pojavom globalizacije, ki zajema velik porast delovnih migracij. Delavci zapuščajo predvsem države v razvoju in iščejo priložnosti v visoko razvitih državah, te države pa se v določenih sektorjih srečujejo prav s pomanjkanjem delovne sile. Prihod delavcev migrantov pomeni za njih spopadanje z nemalo težavami, ena izmed pomembnejših je njihova vključitev v sistem socialne varnosti in pridobivanje pravic iz tega sistema. Države po svetu se v ureditvi socialne varnosti in vrst pravic močno razlikujejo, pogosto delavcem migrantom ne nudijo socialne varnosti oziroma je ta zelo omejena, pogosto pa so deležni tudi diskriminacije v primerjavi z državljani države, ki ni njihova država izvora. Mednarodna skupnost si prizadeva za izboljšanje socialnega položaja delavcev migrantov in v ta namen Organizacija združenih narodov, Mednarodna organizacija dela, Svet Evrope in Evropska unija sprejemajo instrumente, ki državam nalagajo obveznosti za zaščito delavcev migrantov. Poleg konvencij, priporočil in uredb so pomemben instrument še sporazumi s področja socialne varnosti, ki jih sklepajo dve ali več držav med seboj in s tem poskušajo zaščiti svoje državljane, ki se zaposlijo v državi pogodbenici.

Keywords:delavci migranti, socialne pravice, mednarodno in evropsko socialno pravo, bilateralni sporazumi
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-112932 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:17033041 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.11.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Migrant workers and their social rights
Nowadays the whole world is facing the phenomenon of globalization, which includes large increase in labour migrations. Workers mainly leave developing countries and search for opportunities in highly developed countries, and in the same time, highly developed countries have labour shortages in certain sectors. Migrant workers face many difficulties in new countries, one of the most important is their inclusion in the social security systems and acquisition of rights from those systems. Countries around the world vary widely in social security schemes and types of rights, often not providing those rights or provide them in very limited scope, and even discriminating migrant workers. The international community tries to improve the social status of migrant workers. The United Nations, the International Labour Organization, the Council of Europe and the European Union adopt and develop instruments to impose obligations on Member States to protect migrant workers. In addition to conventions, recommendations and regulations, countries conclude bilateral agreements, which are an important instrument as well. With agreements, states provide agreed level of social security to workers from contracting state and protect its own national who leaves its territory to work abroad.

Keywords:migrant workers, social rights, international and European social law, bilateral agreements

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