
Vpliv duševnega zdravja posameznika na družinske člane
ID Zupan, Kristina (Author), ID Dragoš, Srečo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Tako nekoč kot danes se je ogromno družin in posameznikov soočalo s težavami v duševnem zdravju. O duševnem zdravju in težavah, s katerimi se ljudje soočajo, je veliko literature. Zelo malo pa se govori in piše o tem, koliko bremena nosi posameznik, ki živi z osebo s težavami v duševnem zdravju. V teoretičnem delu magistrske naloge je pozornost namenjena opredelitvi duševnega zdravja, pogostim težavam, s katerimi se soočajo bolniki ter okrevanju. Pomembno se nam je zdelo raziskati stigmo, s katero se soočajo bolniki in svojci ter opišemo razlike med medicinskim in socialnim modelom. Zelo pomembna je vloga družine, predvsem družinska dinamika, kaj doživlja družinski član z duševno motnjo v družini in kje lahko išče pomoč in podporo. Drugi del naloge predstavlja raziskovalni del. Z raziskavo, ki je kvalitativna, poizvedovalna in empirična, smo na podlagi devetih intervjujev z osebami, ki se soočajo s težavami v duševnem zdravju, in njihovih svojcev, prišli do podatkov za nadaljnjo analizo. Rezultati kažejo, da imajo družinski člani večinoma spoštljive in dobre odnose s svojimi svojci, ki so v duševni stiski, in do članov družine čutijo odgovornost. Ta odgovornost privede tudi do spremembe odnosa, nekateri so ga izboljšali, drugi se še vedno trudijo za dober odnos. Vsi pa so ob soočanju s stiskami, krivdo in strahom, bili pripravljeni poiskati pomoč na raznih skupinah za samopomoč, delavnicah sproščanja in v pogovorih z domačimi.

Keywords:duševno zdravje, vloga družine, družinski član z duševno motnjo, podpora svojcem
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-112927 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.11.2019
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Secondary language

Title:The impact of the individual's mental health on family members
Many families and individuals have once and still face mental health problems today. A lot it has been written about the mental health and problems that people face at. However, very little is said about how much burden is borne by an individual living with a person with mental health problems. In the theoretical part of the master's thesis, I pay attention to the definition of mental health, the common problems faced by patients and recovery. It was important for me to investigate the stigma faced by patients and relatives and to describe the differences between the medical and social models. The role of the family, especially family dynamics in the family, what a family member in a family with a mental disorder experiences and where they can seek help and support, was very important to me. The second part of the thesis is the research part. Through qualitative, inquiry-based and empirical research, I obtained data for further analysis based on nine interviews with people experiencing mental health problems and their relatives. The results show that family members have mainly respectful and good relationships with their relatives who are mentally illness and they feel responsible to family members. This responsibility also leads to a change in attitude, some have improved it, others are still striving for a good relationship. In the face of distress, guilt and fear, everyone was prepared to seek help at various self-help groups, relaxation workshops and discussions with their homegrown people.

Keywords:mental health, role of family, family member with mental disorder, support for relatives

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