
Kakovost življenja odraslih ljudi z intelektualnimi ovirami v domači oskrbi s strani sorojencev
ID Polanec, Katja (Author), ID Urek, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu sem raziskovala različne segmente socialnega konteksta, ki prikazujejo kakovost življenja odraslih ljudi z intelektualnimi ovirami v domači oskrbi s strani svojih sorojenk. V teoretičnem delu razlagam pojem deinstitucionalizacije, ki zajema dolgotrajno in skupnostno oskrbo. Gre za proces, ki ustanavlja nove službe, ki bodo nadomestile institucije, hkrati pa omogočile ljudem, da so kljub oviram vključeni v običajno življenje in imajo pri tem zagotovljeno potrebno podporo. Posvetila sem se službam, ki se jih poslužujejo ljudje z intelektualnimi ovirami, ki živijo doma, in sicer gre tu za institut družinskega pomočnika in storitve osebne asistence. V kvalitativno raziskavo sem vključila posameznike z intelektualnimi ovirami, ki živijo v domači oskrbi. Vprašanja so se nanašala na oceno življenja, oceno socialnega konteksta, oceno zdravja in oceno služb, ki so na voljo v njihovem okolju. Prav takšnih tem smo se dotaknili tudi skupaj z njihovimi sestrami, ki so v večini primerov hkrati njihove skrbnice. Rezultati moje raziskave so pokazali, da je kakovost življenja ljudi z intelektualnimi ovirami v domači oskrbi zadovoljiva. Imajo podporo s strani družinskih članov, v določeni meri so samostojni, sicer pa se jim nudi potrebna podpora.

Keywords:hendikep, ljudje z intelektualnimi ovirami, sorojenci, družina, deinstitucionalizacija, skupnostna oskrba
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-112924 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.11.2019
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Title:Life Quality of Adults with Intellectual Disabilities in Home Care with Sibling Support
Master's thesis explores the different segments of the social context that demonstrate the life quality of adults with intellectual disabilities in home care with sibling support. The theoretical part of the thesis explains the concept of de-institutionalisation that includes the long-term community support. It is a process that creates new jobs which will replace institutions and enables the inclusion of individuals with disabilities in normal life while providing the neccessary support. I paid special attention to the jobs used by people with intellectual disabilities living at home, these being the institute of family assistant and services of personal assistance. The qualitative research included individuals with intellectual disabilities living at home. Questions related to the quality of life, social context assessment, assessments of health and jobs available in their environment. These were also the topics that were discussed with their sisters who are mostly also their guardians. The results of the research showed that the quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities in home care was satisfactory. Such individuals receive the support of their family members, they are independent to a certain degree while receiving the necessary support.

Keywords:handicap, people with intellectual disabilities, siblings, family, de-institutionalisation, community care

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