
Glas mladostnikov v procesu institucionalne pomoči in podpore
ID Kerčmar, Laura (Author), ID Zorc Maver, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6091/ This link opens in a new window

Magistrska naloga obravnava subjektivno doživljanje procesov pomoči ter podpore otrok in mladostnikov s čustvenimi in vedenjskimi težavami. V teoretičnem delu so predstavljene značilnosti otrok in mladostnikov (v nadaljevanju o/m) s čustvenimi in vedenjskimi težavami (v nadaljevanju ČVT) dejavniki, ki (so)vplivajo na pojav ČVT in procesi pomoči in podpore o/m s ČVT. Predstavljene so še značilnosti socialno pedagoškega diagnostificiranja in interveniranja ter drugi pomembni koncepti pri delu z omenjeno populacijo. Predstavljen je tudi rekonstruktivno razlagalni pristop. Namen empiričnega dela je raziskati subjektivno doživljanje pomoči mladostnikov s ČVT in raziskati njihovo subjektivno izkušnjo bivanja v vzgojni ustanovi v kontekstu celotne biografije posameznika. Poleg tega je namen naloge raziskati tudi vidik strokovnih delavcev, ki delajo z o/m s ČVT, kakšen je torej njihov pogled na sistem pomoči in podpore dotični populaciji. V ta namen sem uporabila kvalitativni raziskovalni pristop, pri čemer so bili v raziskavo vključeni štirje mladostniki ter štirje vzgojitelji. Z njimi so bili izvedeni delno strukturirani intervjuji, katere sem nato kodirala in analizirala s kvalitativno vsebinsko analizo. S pomočjo biografskih pripovedi je bilo ugotovljeno, da so za mladostnike značilni specifični življenjski poteki, različna problematika in odraščanje v okolju s številnimi dejavniki tveganja, zaradi česar so bili nameščeni v različne oblike izvendružinske oblike pomoči in podpore. Njihovo doživljanje namestitve in pomoči se je v času bivanja spremenilo in so zelo zadovoljni s trenutnimi oblikami pomoči. Mladostniki so aktivno vključeni v načrtovanje lastnega procesa pomoči in podpore kakor tudi v soustvarjanje življenja v skupini. Z vzgojitelji vzpostavljajo stabilen in topel odnos. Zavedajo se lastne vloge, aktivnosti in odgovornosti v procesu pomoči. Vzgojitelji menijo, da je ključ do uspešne pomoči v pristnem odnosu z o/m, upoštevanju individualnih potreb, delovanju s perspektive moči, aktivnem vključevanju o/m in pozitivni klimi v skupini. Poročajo o dobrem sodelovanju s starši in zunanjimi strokovnjaki. Ugotavljam, da so vzgojitelji sicer zadovoljni z rezultati svojega dela, večina pa se strinja, da bi bila učinkovitost pomoči večja, v kolikor bi bila pomoč bolj fleksibilna, prilagojena dejanskim potrebam o/m ter hkrati usmerjena v razvojno podporo in spremljanje v odraslost. Magistrsko delo na podlagi intervjujev z vzgojitelji prispeva pomemben vpogled v izzive, pomanjkljivosti, težave v obstoječem sistemu pomoči in podpore o/m s ČVT.

Keywords:mladostniki s ČVT
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-112905 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12687177 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.12.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Adolescent´s attitudes toward the process of institutional help and suport
The master´s thesis considers a subjective perception of processes of assistance and support to children and adolescents with emotional and behavioural difficulties. In a theoretical part are presented characteristics of children and adolescents (hereinafter: c/a) with emotional and behavioural difficulties (hereinafter: EBD), factors which (co)influence appearance of EBD, as well as processes of assistance and support to c/a with EBD. Additionally, focus is put on characteristics of socio-pedagogical diagnosing and intervention, and other important concepts used in work with this population. Presented is also reconstructive explanatory approach. An empirical part is aimed to examine a subjective perception of assistance to adolescents with EBD, as well as their subjective experiencing of staying in an educational institution in the context of their individual biographies. Moreover, the master thesis strives to study also an aspect of professional staff which work with c/a with EBD, i.e. what is their perspective on a system of assistance and support to a respective population. For this purpose I used a qualitative research method, wherein were in research included four adolescents and four educators. I conducted partly structured interviews, which were then encoded and analysed by use of a qualitative content analysis. On a basis of biographical narratives it was established, that adolescents are characterised by specific life courses, various problems, as well as growing up in environments with numerous risk factors, what caused their involvement in various forms of assistance and support outside their original family. Their perception of settlement and assistance changed in time. Currently they are very satisfied with offered forms of assistance. Adolescents are actively engaged in planning of their own process of assistance and support, as well as co-creation of life in a group. They have a stable and warm relationship with their educators. They are aware of their own role, activity and responsibility in the process of assistance. Educators think, that a authentic relationship with c/a, respect of their individual needs, acting from a position of power, active involvement of c/a and a positive atmosphere in a group are crucial elements of a successful assistance. Educators report good cooperation with parents and external experts. I managed to establish, that educators are satisfied with results of their work, but a majority of them agreed that assistance would be more efficient, if it was more flexible, adapted to actual needs of c/a and concurrently directed to a developmental support and acoompany of c/a on their path to adulthood. The master thesis based on interviews with educators contributes a significant insight into challenges, shortcomings and difficulties in the existing system of assistance and support to c/a with EBD.

Keywords:adolescents with EBD

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