
Temeljna čustva, depresivno razpoloženje in različni vidiki prehranjevanja : magistrsko delo
ID Korošec, Claudio (Author), ID Simonič, Barbara (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu avtor raziskuje povezanosti med temeljnimi čustvi, depresivnim razpoloženjem in različnimi prehranskimi vidiki. Avtor poleg povezanosti išče tudi morebitne razlike med moškimi in ženskami v vzorcu ter razlike glede na število dnevnih obrokov ter količine dnevno zaužitega sadja in zelenjave. V teoretičnem delu, ki ima tri poglavja, so v prvem poglavju predstavljena temeljna čustva. To vključuje opredelitev čustev, opis temeljnih čustev in pomen ter razvoj čustvenega procesiranja. Drugo poglavje je posvečeno depresivnim stanjem. Vsebuje opredelitev motenj razpoloženja, vzroke za nastanek depresije ter podroben opis velike depresivne motnje ter distimije. Tretje poglavje je osredotočeno na povezave med prehrano na eni in razpoloženjem, vključujoč čustva, na drugi strani. Vsebuje nekatere izmed pomembnih raziskav s tega področja, opis Izardovega modela čustev, nevrogeneze in psihoterapevtskega modela Julie Ross. V empiričnem delu je avtor s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika, ki je vključeval tri različne vprašalnike ter nekaj dodatnih vprašanj, meril pogostost doživljanja temeljnih čustev, stopnjo depresivnega razpoloženja in nadzor nad prehranskimi skušnjavami. Vprašalnik je izpolnilo 126 udeležencev. Ugotovili smo, da glede na pogostost uživanja sadja ni bilo razlik v čustvovanju in razpoloženju. Najmanj prezira in strahu doživljajo osebe, ki dnevno uživajo največ zelenjave. Ugotovili smo, da najmanj depresivnega razpoloženja doživljajo osebe, ki dnevno uživajo največ zelenjave. Pogostost doživljanja pozitivnih temeljnih čustev je bila statistično pomembno povezana z manjšim doživljanjem depresivnega razpoloženja. Pogostejše doživljanje negativnih temeljnih čustev je bilo statistično pomembno povezano z večjim doživljanjem depresivnega razpoloženja. Rezultati so pokazali statistično pomemben šibek trend, da osebe, ki bolje nadzirajo prehranske skušnjave, doživljajo manj depresivnega razpoloženja. Kar se tiče razlik med spoloma, je raziskava pokazala, da ženske pogosteje čutijo notranjo sovražnost ter izbirajo bolj zdravo in primerno prehrano kot moški. Moški so statistično pomembno pogosteje čutili prezir kakor ženske.

Keywords:temeljna čustva, depresija, hrana, razpoloženje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[C. Korošec]
Number of pages:VII, 72, IV str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-112871 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11032067 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.11.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Primary emotions, depressive mood and various aspects of nutrition
In the master thesis the author researches the potential correlation between primary emotions, depressive mood and different aspects of nutrition, including male and female differences. The theoretical part has three chapters, the first one is on primary emotions and includes a definition of emotions, a description of primary ones and the meaning and development of emotional processing. The second chapter focuses on depressive moods. It includes a definition of mood disorders, in-depth reasons on how depression is developed and a description of both the major depressive disorder and dysthymia. The third chapter is focused on the connections between food on one side, moods and emotions on the other. It consists of research already performed in this area, a description of Izard's model of emotions and the importance of neurogenesis for the daily well-being. This part concludes with a description of the psychotherapeutical model of Julia Ross. In the empirical part, the author used a three-part questionnaire to measure how commonly subjects experienced primary emotions, their level of depressive mood and their amount of control overeating temptations. There were 126 responses. We found no significantly important differences in mood or emotions according to the frequency of daily fruit consumption. The least contempt and fear was felt by those who consumed the highest amounts of vegetables daily. The results showed that higher frequency of daily vegetable consumption was associated with the lowest amounts of depressive moods. The (higher) frequency of experiencing positive primary emotions is statistically importantly correlated with experiencing lower amounts of depressive moods. Experiencing negative primary emotions more frequently was statistically importantly correlated with experiencing more depressive moods. A statistically important weak trend, where subjects, who have a greater amount of control over their eating temptations, experience a lower amount of depressive mood was discovered. The differences between the sexes found were that women experience inner hostility and sadness more often, while also eating healthier than men, while men experienced more contempt.

Keywords:primary emotions, depression, food, mood

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