
Travma revščine v romskih naseljih Občine Metlika
ID Štrucelj, Nataša (Author), ID Šumi, Irena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Naloga opisuje življenjsko okolje in okoliščine bivanja v romskih naseljih občine Metlika. Zgodovinski položaj Romov v Evropi in Sloveniji zaznamujejo stigmatizacija, marginalizacija, stereotipizacija in socialno izključevanje. To se odraža v neurejenem socialnoekonomskem položaju, nizki ravni izobrazbe, odvisnosti od socialnih transferjev, brezposelnosti, predvsem pa v pomanjkanju učinkovitega dialoga med romsko skupnostjo in večinskim prebivalstvom, ki je posledica etnične meje. Romi so pogosto etnizirani, patologizirani in obravnavani kot drugačni in manjvredni, krivdo za njihov položaj pa se pripisuje izključno njim samim. V teoretičnem delu je predstavljen opis pravnoformalnega statusa ter okoliščin bivanja Romov v Sloveniji in Beli krajini. V nadaljevanju je opisana struktura predsodkov in stereotipov o Romih, ki v družbi ustvarjajo in krepijo etično mejo, ter odklonilen odnos večine do Romov. Teoretični del se zaključi s podrobnejšim pregledom segmentov socialne izključenosti Romov. V raziskovalnem delu naloge je na podlagi terenskih dnevnikov, ki so nastajali med etnografskim terenskim delom, orisano vsakodnevno življenje ljudi, ki živijo v romskih naseljih na področju Metlike. Skozi izbrane tematike so predstavljeni načini, kako sogovorniki dojemajo svojo lastno situacijo in družbeni položaj, predvsem v odnosu do ustanov večinske družbe. Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da romska skupnost danes še vedno živi v začaranem krogu revščine, kar pomeni, da se rodijo in socializirajo v revščino, iz katere se večini ne bo uspelo prebiti. Nepoznavanje njihovega življenja, odsotnost strokovnosti pri številnih »strokovnjakih«, ki se ukvarjajo s problemom Romov, in prisotnost rasističnih ideologij, odnosov in praks pa le še krepijo brezizhodnost njihovega položaja. Za občuten napredek je potrebno predvsem mladim Romom nameniti več sredstev, časa in pozornosti, da pridobijo veščine, znanja in sposobnosti, s katerimi se lahko soočijo z večinsko družbo, si pridobijo sredstva, da se prebijejo iz začaranega kroga revščine in pobegnejo iz skupnosti kot neizbežnega življenjskega okolja, in dosežejo boljši položaj, s tem ko se povzpnejo po družbeni lestvici znotraj večinske družbe. Nujno je, da je prehod med generacijami olajšan, saj se s tem prekine začarani krog medgeneracijske revščine in travme.

Keywords:Romi in Rominje, socialna izključenost, etnični konflikt, rasizem, travma revščine
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-112865 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.11.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Trauma as Result of Poverty in Roma Settlements in Metlika Municipality
This master’s thesis describes the living environment and circumstances of dwelling in the Roma settlements in the municipality of Metlika. The historical situation of the Roma people in Europe and in Slovenia is marked by stigmatisation, marginalisation, stereotyping and social exclusion. This results in a low socioeconomic status, low level of education, unemployment, dependence on social transfers, and especially in the lack of an efficient dialogue between the Roma communities and the majority population as the result of the ethnic boundary. The Roma people are often ethnicised, pathologised and considered different and inferior and exclusively responsible for their situation. In the theoretical part, a description of the legal status and the life of the Roma people in Slovenia and in the Bela Krajina region are laid out. Next, the structure of prejudices and stereotypes about the Roma people that are creating and fortifying the ethnic boundary is explained, as is the aversive attitude of the majority society towards the Roma people. The chapter concludes with a more detailed overview of the areas of social exclusion of the Roma people. Based on the field diaries kept during ethnographic fieldwork, the empirical part of the thesis outlines everyday lives of the people living in the Roma settlements in the area of Metlika. Through a selection of key topics, the ways in which the collocutors perceive their own situation and social status, especially in relation to the institutions of the majority society, is outlined. The results of the research determinedly show that the Roma people continue to live stranded in the vicious circle of poverty: they are born and are socialised into poverty, and most of them will be unable to break out from it. Poor understanding of their life, the lack of expertise on the part of various »experts« that deal with the »Roma problem«, and the persistence of racist ideologies, attitudes and practices aggravate their situation. In order to achieve significant progress, particularly the young Roma people need be given more means, time and attention so they can acquire skills, knowledge and abilities to cope with the larger society, build up resources to break free from the vicious circle, the possibility of leaving the »community« as the inescapable living environment included, and achieve the position by climbing the social ladder within the majority society. It is imperative that such a transition between generations is facilitated, the intergenerational poverty and trauma thereof interrupted.

Keywords:Roma people, social exclusion, ethnic conflict, racism, trauma of poverty

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