
Avtoportret - Intermedijska reprezentacija čustev
ID Požin, Sara (Author), ID Čehovin, Eduard (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Birsa, Damir (Comentor)

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V diplomski nalogi bom obravnavala svoj čustveni avtoportret. Delo je načrt umetniške instalacije, sestavljene iz 2D animacije, ki prikazuje stopnje čutenja, ki so potrebne za razvoj čustvene inteligence, ter avtorske glasbe, ki zvočno podpira vizualno. Animacija izhaja iz osebne pripovedi, je ekspresivna in eksperimentalna ter poskuša s pomočjo avdio-vizualnega izraziti osebno izkušnjo zunanjemu opazovalcu, ter s tem opozoriti na pomembnost samorefleksije. Notranje spremembe bom prikazala z abstraktnimi prizori ter skušala s tem prikazati šest osnovnih čustev; strah, ljubezen, presenečenje, srečo, jezo ter žalost, ki so središče vseh umetniških zvrsti. Poleg koncepta bom predstavila tudi tehnično izvedbo projekta in pojasnila izbiro medija in teme ter komu je ta instalacija namenjena.

Keywords:vizualne komunikacije, grafično oblikovanje, animacija, čustvena inteligenca, 2D, instalacija, avtoportret, diplomska naloga
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:AGRFT - Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-112864 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.11.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Autoportrait - Intermedia Representation of Emotions
In my graduation thesis I am discussing my emotional auto-portrait. This work in a plan for an art installation that compounds of 2D animation, which is portraying the stages of emotions, that are important for the development of emotional intelligence and music, composed by myself, which is helping co-create the mood to the visuals. The animation is my intimate story, it is expressive, experimental and tries with the help of audio - visuals express my experience to the observer and with that point out the significance of self-reflection. I am projecting my inner changes to abstract scenes and trying to portray six ground emotions; fear, love, surprise, joy, anger and sadness, which are the center of all art forms. Besides the concept, I will also describe the technical work of the project and justify the selection of my thesis, as I will also explain who is this installation intended for.

Keywords:visual communication, graphic design, animation, emotional intelligence, 2D, installation, auto-portrait, BA thesis

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