
Motnje hranjenja med študentkami in študenti Fakultete za socialno delo
ID Štesl, Tjaša (Author), ID Leskošek, Vesna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Motnje hranjenja predstavljajo v sodobni družbi vedno večji problem, ki mu namenjamo premalo pozornosti. Pogosto kdo pravi, da je to zgolj trenutno in nič resnega. Družba, v kateri živimo, daje velik poudarek vitkosti in lepemu telesu, ljudje se cenijo po zunanjosti. Taka sporočila otroci dobivajo že od rojstva. Motnje hranjenja so zelo resen problem, ki lahko ogrozi življenje mladostnika. Pri njih ne gre le za to, da se oseba nepravilno prehranjuje, temveč je v ozadju veliko večji problem, ki se na tak način le sprošča. Vzroke za nastanek lahko najdemo tako v družinskem okolju oziroma v primarni družini kot tudi v socialnem okolju. Vzroki so lahko tudi biološki oziroma genetski. Osebe, ki trpijo za motnjo hranjenja, doživljajo hudo čustveno stisko, ki jo izražajo na napačen način. Na spletu je dostopnih veliko informacij o tem, vendar še vedno ostaja neke vrste tabu tema. O motnjah hranjenja še vedno govorimo s prisotnostjo stigme. Poleg bolj znanih motenj pa se vedno pogosteje pojavljajo tudi nove oblike motenj hranjenja, ki prav tako predstavljajo velik problem. Pri osebah, ki se soočajo z motnjo hranjenja, pogosto lahko opazimo še pridružene motnje, ki njihov problem dodatno zapletejo. Zaradi tega je zdravljenje lahko tudi dolgotrajnejše in bolj zapleteno. Motnje hranjenja torej posegajo v mnoge spektre življenja, vplivajo na celotno družino, prijatelje in vrstnike, šolo, službo ter celotno okolje, ki obdaja mladostnika. Predvsem zelo vplivajo na mladostnika, ki se sooča z veliko fizičnimi in tudi socialnimi posledicami. Pogosto se pridružijo še zdravstvene težave in tako postane njihov problem še večji. Zaradi vsega zgoraj opisanega sem se odločila, da v magistrski nalogi podrobneje prestavim motnje hranjenja. V teoretičnem delu sem se posvetila teoriji: opredelila sem motnje hranjenja in vrste, vzroke za nastanek ter posledice, opredelila pa sem tudi pridružene motnje ter načine in vrste zdravljenja. V empiričnem delu sem izvedla raziskavo na Fakulteti za socialno delo, kjer sem preverjala, koliko o motnjah hranjenja študentje sploh vedo ter koliko študentov se s tem sooča oziroma se je soočalo v preteklosti. Za metodo sem uporabila nevodeno individualno anketo, v kateri je sodelovalo 120 študentov Fakultete za socialno delo.

Keywords:motnje hranjenja, anoreksija, bulimija, prenajedanje, psihoterapija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-112775 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.11.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Eating Disorders Among Students of the Faculty of Social Work
In contemporary society, eating disorders present an increasing problem, which is not given enough attention. People often say it is just a current trend which means nothing serious. The society we live in strongly emphasizes thinness and a beautiful body, and people are appreciated according to their looks. Children receive such messages from the day they are born. Eating disorders are a very serious problem, the one that can jeopardize a life of an adolescent. In their case, having a bad diet is just a consequence resulting from a lot bigger problem, hidden inside their personality. Causes for the emergence of eating disorders can be found within a family environment, namely primary family, as well as social environment. Causes can also be biological or genetic. People suffering from an eating disorder are facing severe emotional distress, which they reflect in a wrong way. The internet offers a variety of information, however, eating disorders still remain a taboo subject. There is a presence of stigma whenever we talk about eating disorders. Beside well known disorders there is an emergence of an increased number of eating disorders, which also present a big issue. In people facing an eating disorder, we often observe associative disorders, which additionally complicate their original problem. This can make a medical treatment longer and more difficult. Based on these facts, eating disorders interfere with many aspects of life, affecting the whole family, friends and peers, school, workplace, and all the environment surrounding an adolescent. More importantly, they have a strong influence on adolescents themselves. They face many physical as well as social consequences. Commonly, this is accompanied by medical issues, which makes their situation even worse. Concluding the former facts, I have decided to present eating disorders in detail within my master’s thesis. The theoretical part consists of theoretical information, a definition of eating disorders and their forms, causes and consequences of eating disorders, an identification of accompanying disorders together with possible forms of therapy. Within the empirical part I conducted a research on Faculty of social work, where I wanted to find out to what level students are informed about eating disorders, how many students are facing the problem or have ever faced it in their past. I used a method of a questionnaire, which was distributed to 120 students of Faculty of Social Work.

Keywords:eating disorders, anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, psychotherapy

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