The Electrotechnical Association of Slovenia (EZS) is a technical-engineering organization operating in the fields of power engineering, information and communication technology, electronics, automatization and technologies. Its website is not sufficiently recognized nor is it properly created and therefore needs to be redesigned. The research for redesigning included the method of expert studies and the survey method. The method of expert studies was used for a) examination and evaluation of the current website, b) comparison of four (4) websites of foreign electrotechnical associations with emphasis on entry pages, c) visits of the EZS website (June 12, 2015 % March 14, 2016) and d) the effect of adding search indexes. The survey method was used for determining the use of computer and the Internet, social networks, information search and evaluation of the EZS website. A questionnaire was sent via e-mail on May 9, 2016. The data was collected until and including May 16, when 93 questionnaires were relevantly completed with 51 fully completed questionnaires including. The entry page of the EZS website needs to be amended; posts need to be divided into chapters with non-text elements added. Search indexes need to be added to all elements visible on the website. Approximate guidelines for redesigning or recreating of the websites were made based on the results. The second most used information source, following personal knowledge, is the Internet. It represents the source with the fastest response given. An information profile of Slovenian electro-technicians was prepared. An information behaviour model of Slovenian electro-technicians and electrical engineers was prepared according to the Leckie et al model. Two possible displays of information search were also presented, one of the easier and the other for more difficult problems in practice.