
Besedotvorni postopki pri književnih neologizmih v angleščini in španščini: Kontrastivna analiza primerov iz knjig o Harryju Potterju
ID Tomšič, Tina (Author), ID Lipovšek, Frančiška (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Pihler Ciglič, Barbara (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Glavni namen te zaključne naloge je opazovati različne vrste neologizmov ter analizirati besedotvorne procese, s katerimi so zgrajeni. Raziskava se osredotoča na književne neologizme iz korpusa v angleškem ter španskem jeziku z namenon, da primerja produktivnosti procesov obeh jezikov ter ugotovi pogostost uporabe ustreznega besedotvornega procesa pri prevajanju neologizma iz enega jezika v drugega. Pregled teorije v zaključni nalogi vsebuje informacije o neologizmih ter njihovi klasifikaciji, oris angleškega ter španskega sistema besedotvorja ter njuno primerjavo, ter obravnavo produktivnosti, ki razkrije najbolj produktivne besedotvorne procese vsakega od jezikov glede na trenutne raziskave. Praktični del naloge vključuje analizo vzorca 400 neologizmov, zbranih iz korpusa desetih angleških fantazijskih romanov ter njihovih španskih prevodov. Primeri so klasificirani po vrsti neologizma, kar jih loči na formalne, semantične in skladenjske neologizme ter sposojenke, in nadalje, formalne neologizme analiziramo glede na besedotvorni proces, ki jih je ustvaril. Kontrastivna analiza primerov razkrije tudi pogostost uporabe ustreznega procesa pri prevajanju neologizmov in rezultati te analize so razloženi v nalogi. Primeri neologizmov, ki jih obravnava ta zaključna naloga, so bili ustvarjeni za specifičen primer fantazijskega literarnega dela in mogoče ne odražajo obnašanja neologizmov v drugih spektrih jezika, tako da bi za bolj splošne zaključke potrebovali nadaljnje raziskave.

Keywords:besedotvorje, književni neologizmi, formalni neologizmi, produktivnost, prevajanje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-112682 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.11.2019
TOMŠIČ, Tina, 2019, Besedotvorni postopki pri književnih neologizmih v angleščini in španščini: Kontrastivna analiza primerov iz knjig o Harryju Potterju [online]. Master’s thesis. [Accessed 26 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Word formation processes in literary neologisms in English and Spanish: Contrastive analysis of examples from the Harry Potter books
The main purpose of this thesis is to observe types of neologisms and analyse the word-formation processes which are used for their creation. The study focuses on literary neologisms from a corpus in English and Spanish in order to compare the productivity of their respective processes and to discover whether a corresponding process is used in translating a neologism from one language to the other. In the theoretical part of the thesis the reader finds information on neologisms and their classification, the delineation of the English and the Spanish systems of word-formation and their comparison, and furthermore, a discussion about productivity, which uncovers the most productive process of word-formation for each language as determined in the existing literature. The practical part of the thesis includes an analysis of a sample of 400 neologisms collected from the corpus of ten English fantasy novels and their Spanish translations. The examples are classified according to the type of neologism, separating semantic, formal and syntactic neologisms and loanwords, and furthermore, formal neologisms are analysed according to the word-formation process behind their creation. The contrastive analysis of examples also uncovers the frequency of corresponding processes used in the translation of neologisms, and its results are discussed in the thesis. This thesis deals with examples of neologisms from a specific literary work and may not reflect the behaviour of neologisms in other aspects of the language, so further research should be carried out to propose any general conclusions.

Keywords:word-formation, literary neologisms, formal neologisms, productivity, translation

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