
Participacija otrok pri dnevni rutini
ID Jert, Patricia (Author), ID Batistič Zorec, Marcela (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomska naloga predstavlja značilnosti dnevne rutine in njen izredno velik pomen za otroke, saj jim – predvsem v prvih letih vstopa v vrtec – predstavlja občutek varnosti. Elementi dnevne rutine so predstavljeni skozi pogled avtorice I. Medved (2004), ki je pri vsakem od elementov izpostavila ključne smernice za zagotavljanje optimalnega okolja otroku, hkrati pa je podala tudi primerjavo ravnanja vzgojiteljev nekoč in danes. Dnevna rutina ali rutinske dejavnosti, kot jo poimenujejo nekateri avtorji, je v diplomskem delu predstavljena tudi kot del prikritega kurikula. Slednji je – kot pove že samo poimenovanje – pogosto pozabljen ali »pometen pod preprogo«. Glavni cilj dela in izvedbe empiričnega dela je bilo opazovanje posameznih delov dnevne rutine, pri čemer je bila izpostavljena samostojnost otrok – koliko so sami sposobni storiti določeno opravilo, oz. v kolikšni meri so bili k temu spodbujeni s strani odraslih. Tej temi sta posvečeni poglavji o participaciji otrok, ki je tudi njihova pravica, opredeljena v Konvenciji o otrokovih pravicah (1989), izpostavljena pa so tudi nekatera načela Kurikuluma za vrtce (1999), ki jo podpirajo, ter subjektivne teorije vzgojiteljev, saj so lahko ravno lastna prepričanja strokovnih delavcev ena izmed ovir pri uresničevanju pravice otrok do participacije. Da bi lahko lastna predvidevanja preverila tudi v praksi, sem opazovala posamezne dele dnevne rutine v oddelkih različnih starosti, po vsakem opazovanju pa sem izvedla tudi intervju z vzgojiteljicama in povzela njune odgovore. Po evalvaciji opažanj in odgovorov, pridobljenih s pomočjo intervjuja, sem ugotovila, da vzgojiteljice otroke sicer spodbujajo k samostojnosti, vendar pa na njihova ravnanja v praksi močno vplivajo lastna stališča. Njihov način dela je zastarel (za vse enako), ker v vzorcu različnih potreb otrok ne upoštevajo dovolj.

Keywords:dnevna rutina
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-112657 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12662345 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.11.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Children's participation in the daily routine
The thesis represents characteristics of the daily routine and its enormous meaning for children, for which it – in the first years of entering kindergarten – represents safety. Elements of the daily routine are represented through author I. Medved (2004), who presents key guidelines for ensuring optimal environment for children, where simultaneously comparing activities of preschool teacher once and today. The daily routine or routine activities, as some authors name it, is in the thesis represented as part of hidden curriculum, which is – as the name tells for itself – often forgotten or »swept under the rug«. The main aim of this work and empiric part was observation of different parts of the daily routine, where autonomy of children was exposed – how much are they capable of doing by themselves and in what part/how much were they encouraged to do so by adults. Chapters about child’s participation are devoted to this subject, which is their right defined by European Convention of children’s rights (1989), focused also by some principles in Curriculum for Preschools (1999), which enforces them and about subjective theories of preschool teachers, because personal beliefs of professionals are one of the obstacles in realization of children’s right of participation. To test my predictions in practice, I have observed different parts of the daily routine in classes of different ages, after every observation I have interviewed teachers and recapitulated their answers. After evaluating observations and answers obtained with interviews, I have come to the conclusion that children in all three different age groups were substantially encouraged to autonomic behavior, but personal viewpoints of teachers still affects their behavior. Their way of working is obsolete (equal for all children), because the teachers in my sample disregard the different needs of children.

Keywords:daily routine

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