
Razkorak med motivatorji in motivi za zaposlitev: primer BSH Hišni aparati d.o.o. Nazarje
ID Hernaus, Sara (Author), ID Svetlik, Ivan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Zaradi razmer na trgu delovne sile se organizacije trudijo, da privabijo zase ustrezne kadre in bijejo medsebojno bitko za talente. Zmagajo tiste, ki kandidatom zagotavljajo uresničevanje najmočnejših motivov za zaposlitev, predvsem pa znajo kandidate v množici komunikacijskih kanalov ustrezno nagovoriti. Ugotoviti, ali to dvoje počne tudi podjetje BSH Hišni aparati d.o.o. Nazarje je bil cilj mojega raziskovanja. Gre namreč za podjetje, ki se srečuje s problematiko pomanjkanja visokega strokovno-tehničnega kadra. Analizirani podatki kažejo, da podjetje pozna motive, ki potencialne kandidate vodijo k odločitvi za zaposlitev, prav tako pa te motive v večji meri tudi uresničuje. Največ investira v motivatorje, ki potencialnim kandidatom omogočajo uresničevanje najmočnejših motivov, kot so zanimivo delo, samostojnost pri delu in dobri odnosi, nekoliko premalo pa vlaga v motivatorje, ki posameznikom omogočajo, da napredujejo in nadgradijo svoje znanje z izobraževanji. Plačilo in nagrade so se izkazali za najbolj pogrešljiv motivator. Z vidika stanja na trgu in glede na ciljno populacijo kadrov, ki je tehnično in tehnološko dobro usposobljena, podjetje tudi ne uporablja najustreznejših načinov za nagovarjanje kandidatov. Še vedno so najpogostejši načini privabljanja kadrovski portali, dovolj pogosto pa mlade talente privabljajo tudi prek kadrovskih štipendij, kar štejem za zelo dober način sistematičnega načrtovanja zaposlenih. Predloge možnih rešitev vseeno podajam za področje stikov s šolami oziroma fakultetami in metodo neformalnega pridobivanja, predvsem pa za področje družbenih omrežij, prek katerih naj krepijo znamko delodajalca.

Keywords:Potencialni kandidati, motivi, motivatorji, načini privabljanja, BSH.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-112619 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:36544605 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.10.2019
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Secondary language

Title:The gap between motivators and motives for employment: the case of BSH Hišni aparati d.o.o. Nazarje
Due to the labour market situation, organisations are trying to attract the right employees and are fighting for talented individuals. Those who provide candidates with the realisation of the strongest motives for employment, and know how to adequately address candidates in a multitude of communication channels are able to win. The aim of my research was to find out if BSH Hišni aparati d.o.o. Nazarje is doing these two things. The company is facing the problem of lack of highly qualified professional-technical employees. The analysed data show that the company knows the motives that help potential candidates choose employment, and also realises these motives to a great extent. It invests most in motivators that allow potential candidates to pursue the strongest motives, such as interesting work, autonomy at work and good interpersonal relationships, while investing little in motivators that allow individuals to advance and upgrade their knowledge through education. Pay and rewards have proven to be the most lacking motivator. In terms of the market situation and according to target population that is technically and technologically skilled, the company does not use the most appropriate ways to address candidates. The most common ways of attracting people are portals, and often they attract young talented individuals through scholarships, which I consider to be a very good way of systematic recruitment of employees. Nevertheless, I propose possible solutions for the area of contacts with schools or faculties, for the method of informal acquisition, and especially for the area of social networks through which to increase the intensity of employer branding.

Keywords:Potential candidates, motives, motivators, methods of attraction, BSH.

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