
Vpliv terapevtskega dela s konjem na otroke z motnjo avtističnega spektra : magistrsko delo
ID Vogrinčič, Larisa (Author), ID Gerjolj, Stanko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Avtizem je vseživljenjska razvojna motnja z največjim primanjkljajem na področju socialne komunikacije in interakcije. Pri omenjeni razvojni motnji so značilni ponavljajoči se vzorci vedenja, odpor do sprememb in odsotnost očesnega stika. Ker avtizem velja za stalnico skozi celo življenje, osebe z motnjo potrebujejo nenehno pomoč in podporo. Novejše svetovne raziskave kažejo, da ima več kot en odstotek novorojenih otrok eno izmed motenj avtističnega spektra. V Sloveniji se število oseb z motnjami avtističnega spektra giblje okoli 20.000. Pogostost avtizma je tako narasla, da se ga danes uvršča med najhitreje naraščajočo razvojno motnjo, kar je v izziv pri iskanju njegovih natančnejših vzrokov, obenem pa tudi zahteva bolj usposobljene strokovnjake na tem področju, iskanje novih oblik izobraževanja in metod, pristopov in terapij. V Sloveniji in po svetu vse bolj odmeva terapija s pomočjo konja. Izsledki raziskav kažejo, da se s pomočjo terapevtskega jahanja izboljšata komunikacija in socialna interakcija, prav tako pa se krepijo spomin, koordinacija, kognitivne ter fizične sposobnosti. Bližina konja naj bi tudi vplivala na razpoloženje otroka s posebnimi potrebami; na primer otroka, nagnjenega k izbruhu jeze, tesnobe in strahu, družba konja pomirja, tolaži, otrok pa se tudi pogosteje smeji. V tem magistrskem delu raziščemo učinke terapevtskega jahanja na avtistične otroke. Osredotočimo se na otrokovo čustveno stanje v interakciji s terapevtskim timom (terapevtka, konj) in na starševski ter terapevtski pogled na terapijo. Uporabimo raziskovalno metodo osnovane teorije, ki temelji na opazovanju (terapevtskih urah) in na intervjujih petih udeleženk, od tega dveh terapevtk. Analiza rezultatov pokaže pozitivno učinkovitost terapije s pomočjo konja na otroke z motnjami avtističnega spektra. Vse udeleženke so zelo zadovoljne s programom terapevtskega jahanja. Otroke, zaznamovane z avtizmom, konj zna pomiriti, potolažiti, razveseliti, jih motivirati, pripraviti do smeha in najpomembneje do očesnega kontakta, ki ga ti otroci v večini nimajo. Izboljšajo se tudi motorične in fizične sposobnosti. Rezultati magistrskega dela tako pritrjujejo teorijam o učinkovitosti terapije s pomočjo konja na otroke s posebnimi potrebami. Zaradi razširjenosti te razvojne motnje je potrebno dobro poznavanje tematike in približevanje tem otrokom na primeren način. V magistrskem delu so podane smernice, kako prepoznati in se soočati s prvimi avtističnimi znaki in prikaz vpliva terapije s pomočjo konja na avtističnega otroka.

Keywords:avtizem, motnje avtističnega spektra, osnovana teorija, terapija s pomočjo konja
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[L. Vogrinčič]
Number of pages:VIII, 84, X str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-112610 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11014403 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.10.2019
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Secondary language

Title:The impact of a therapeutic work with horse on children with autism spectrum disorders
Autism is a lifelong developmental disorder, with the greatest deficits in social communication and interaction. This developmental disorder is characterized by repeated patterns of behavior, resistance to change, and the absence of eye contact. Because autism is a constant throughout life, people with the disorder need constant help and support. More recent global research shows, that more than one percent of newborns have one of the autism spectrum disorders. In Slovenia, the number of people with autism spectrum disorders is around 20.000 people. The frequency of autism has increased so much, that it is nowadays one of the fastest growing developmental disorders, which is a challenge in finding its more specific causes, while also requiring more qualified professionals in the field, finding new forms of education and methods, approaches and therapies. Therapy assisted with a horse is increasingly echoing in Slovenia and around the world. Research shows that therapeutic riding improves communication and social interaction, as well as enhances memory, coordination, cognitive and physical abilities. Proximity of a horse is also expected to affect the mood of a child with special needs; for example, a child prone to an outbreak of anger, anxiety and fear, the company of the horse calms and comforts him, and the child laughs more often. In this master's thesis, we explore the effects of therapeutic riding on autistic children. We focus on the child's emotional state, when interacting with the therapy team (therapist, horse) and the parental and therapeutic view of therapy. We use the research method of grounded (experimental) theory, based on observation (therapy hours) and interviews of five participants, of which two therapists. The analysis of the results shows the positive efficancy of therapy assisted with a horse on children with autism spectrum disorders. All participants are very satisfied with the therapeutic riding program.   Children with autism are able to calm, comfort, cheer, motivate, prepare for laughs, and most importantly for eye contact, which most children do not have. Motor and physical abilities are also improved. The results of the master's thesis reinforce theories about the effectiveness of therapy assisted with a horse for the children with special needs. Due to the prevalence of this developmental disorder, a good knowledge of the subject and a proper approach to these children are required. The master's thesis provides guidelines on how to identify and deal with the first autistic signs and demonstrate the impact of therapy assisted with a horse on an autistic child.

Keywords:autism, autism spectrum disorder, grounded theory, horse therapy

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