
Razvoj konstrukcije tesnilnega pokrova pri elektromotorju
ID Marušič, Benjamin (Author), ID Benedičič, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Žavbi, Roman (Comentor)

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Podjetje se že dalj časa sooča s problemom statičnega tesnjenja. Glavna težava nastane pri montaži, ko zaščitni pokrov s štirimi vijaki privijačimo v ohišje elektromotorja. Tedaj se v tesnilu, ki je pozicionirano v utoru, generira tako velik tlak, da pokrov upogne, kar pomeni, da med ohišjem in pokrovom nastane reža, ki dopušča vdor vode v sklop, na ta način pa ni izpolnjen pogoj IP66 po ISO 20653. K reševanju problema smo pristopili tako, da smo najprej preverili obstoječe stanje tesnjenja na tržišču, popisali delne funkcije pokrova in s pomočjo morfološke matrike poiskali splošne rešitve tesnjenja. Po izbiri najugodnejše smo na osnovi poznanih parametrov definirali robne pogoje, pri tem pa izvedli nekaj predpostavk. Zmanjšanje kritičnega pomika smo nadaljevali po dveh poteh: metodološkem pristopu in topološki optimizaciji. Pri prvem načinu smo izbrano rešitev empirično dodelali. Koncepte smo ovrednotili s SWOT analizo, obremenitveno stanje vsakega od njih pa še numerično simulirali v Ansys Workbenchu 19.0. Slednje orodje smo uporabili tudi za topološko analizo. Potekala je tako, da smo programu preko več parametrov vsilili pot do želenih zaključkov. Soočili smo se tako z masno kot togostno analizo. Ugotovili smo, da pomika zaradi oblike pokrova in mesta, na katerega deluje obremenitev, ni mogoče odpraviti. Kljub zapisanemu dejstvu pa smo poiskali območja, ki igrajo ključno vlogo pri nosilnosti.

Keywords:elektromotorji, morfološke matrike, vijačne zveze, SWOT analiza, statična strukturna analiza, topološka optimizacija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[B. Marušič]
Number of pages:XXIV, 75 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-112583 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:16959515 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.10.2019
MARUŠIČ, Benjamin, 2019, Razvoj konstrukcije tesnilnega pokrova pri elektromotorju [online]. Master’s thesis. Ljubljana : B. Marušič. [Accessed 27 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Development of construction of sealing cover for electric motor
For some time now, the company is facing a problem with sealing. The main problem arises during assembly, when fixing the protective cover to the electric motor housing by means of four bolts. In that step, in the sealing, when it is positioned in the groove, pressure builds to such a level as to bend the cover, creating a gap between the housing and the cover, which allows water ingress into the housing, thus the criterion IP66 according to ISO 20653 is no more met. Addressing this problem, we first reviewed the situation regarding sealing in the market, identified elementary functions of the cover and, by means of the morphological matrix, determined the general sealing solutions. To select the most favourable solution, we defined boundary conditions based on known parameters, while applying several assumptions. To reduce the critical displacement, we pursued two paths: methodological approach and topological optimization. The first path involved empirical elaboration of the selected solution. We evaluated the concepts by means of SWOT analysis, and numerically simulated the loading states for each of them in Ansys Workbench 19.0. This tool was also applied for the purposes of topological analysis. The analysis involved imposing the path to the desired results through several parameters. We faced both mass analysis and stiffness analysis. We found out that, due to the cover shape and location at which the load is applied, the displacement cannot be eliminated. In spite of the said fact, we found areas of key significance for the load bearing capacity.

Keywords:electric motors, morphological matrices, bolted joints, SWOT analysis, static structural analysis, topological optimization

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