
Vermikompostiranje črne vode
ID Rovanšek, Anže (Author), ID Zupan, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Bulc-Griessler, Tjaša (Comentor)

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Vzpostavitev obtoka hranil in iskanje alternativnih virov fosforja je bistveno za ohranjanje visoke produktivnosti kmetijstva in prehranske varnosti v prihodnosti, ko bo človeštvo izčrpalo lahko dostopne zaloge fosforne rude. Fosfor, ki ga vsebujejo človeški iztrebki se trenutno v veliki večini zavrže kot odpadek. Človeške fekalije so lahko, kot so že bile v preteklosti, pomemben vir fosforja in ostalih hranil v rastlinski pridelavi. S poskusom vermikompostiranja črne vode smo hoteli z deževniki pospešiti mineralizacijo hranil in povečati dostopnost fosforja rastlinam v substratu iz zrelega komposta in žaganja iglavcev, ob ustrezni higienizaciji za nadaljnjo varno uporabo v kmetijstvu. V poskusu smo ugotovili, da deževniki pospešijo mineralizacijo hranil v substratu, vendar je za pridelavo kakovostnega vermikomposta potrebna daljša obdelava kot 21 dni oz. večja koncentracija deževnikov v substratu. Z dodajanjem črne vode se je v 21 dneh vermikompostiranja povečala koncentracija dostopnega fosforja za 11 – 24 %, medtem ko nismo dosegli zadostnega zmanjšanja števila patogenov mikroorganizmov in predelan substrat ni ustrezal standardom za uporabo v rastlinski pridelavi. Ob izvedbi preliminarnega poskusa smo ugotovili, da je foto dokumentiranje poskusa v obliki videa formata »time lapse«, dobra metoda predstavitve poskusa, ki nam je podala vpogled na potek procesa vermikompostiranja.

Keywords:vermikompostiranje, črna voda, odpadne vode, fosfor, kroženje hranil
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[A. Rovanšek]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-112023 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:9331833 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.10.2019
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Title:Vermicomposting of blackwater
Establishing a nutrient flow and finding alternative sources of phosphorus is essential to maintaining high agricultural productivity and food security in the future, when humanity could deplete readily available phosphorus ore reserves. Phosphorus and other nutrients contained in human excrements are currently being largely discarded as waste although they can be a good source for crop production. By 21-day trial of vermicomposting of black water mixed into a matrix of compost and sawdust, we found that earthworms accelerate the mineralization of nutrients, but for the production of quality vermicompost longer processing than 21 days or higher concentration of earthworms in the substrate is required. Addition of black water increases the concentration of available phosphorus in the finished vermikompost. Earthworms increase the concentration of available phosphorus by an average of 11-24 %. Vermicomposting within 21 days does not lead to sufficient reduction of pathogens to meet the standards for use in crop production. In carrying out the preliminary experiment, we found that photo documentation of the experiment in the form of time lapse video is a good method of presenting the experiment, which gave us an insight into the progress of the vermicomposting process.

Keywords:vermicomposting, blackwater, wastewater, phosphorus, nutrient cycling

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