
Konceptualne metafore depresije v blogerskih objavah posameznikov z duševnimi boleznimi
ID Mlakar, Maša (Author), ID Lipovšek, Frančiška (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Metafore niso le stilistični jezikovni pojavi. Služijo kot podlaga za naše mišljenje o abstraktnih konceptih ter tako določajo naše ravnanje v kompleksnih situacijah. V mojem magistrskem delu analiziram metafore o depresiji pridobljene iz štirih blogov ameriških in angleških blogerjev, ki pišejo o svojih izkušnjah z boleznijo. Namen mojega dela je določiti vpliv teh metafor na obnašanje nedepresivnih posameznikov do tistih obolelih za depresijo. Delo prav tako raziskuje, kako v luči metafor ljudje dojemajo svojo bolezen in kakšen odnos zgradijo do nje. Iz metafor v blogih sem sestavila korpus 510 metaforičnih izrazov, ki sem jih razvrstila v 27 različnih metaforičnih preslikav. Na podlagi logike preslikav sem nato proučila, na kakšen način metafore v blogih oblikujejo razmišljanja o depresivnih posameznikih in narekujejo vedenje do njih. Metafore iz blogov po večini pozitivno vplivajo na podobo depresivnih posameznikov, saj jih ne prikazujejo kot povzročitelje lastne bolezni ali zgube. Ravno tako jim ne pripisujejo šibkosti in osebnostnih napak. Tako spodbujajo druge, da te posameznike spoštujejo, jim ne očitajo njihove bolezni ter se na njihovo stanje ne odzivajo z jezo. Pri depresivnih posameznikih pa ohranjajo in ojačajo pozitivno samopodobo. Ker veliko metafor depresijo prikazuje kot stanje izgube nadzora nad mišljenjem, čustvovanjem, in vedenjem ter kot bolezen, ki izniči zmožnost za normalno delovanje, blogi spodbujajo bralce, da sprejmejo, poiščejo, in ponudijo pomoč za depresijo. Metafore v blogih imajo tudi negativne posledice. Med njimi je percepcija depresije kot neobvladljivega in nevarnega stanja. Problematična je tudi metafora DEPRESIJA JE VOJNA (v originalu: DEPRESSION IS WAR), ki depresivne posameznike pri premagovanju bolezni deli na uspešne in neuspešne, jim odteguje pomoč in ne vzbuja skrbi za izboljšanje kvalitete življenja obolelih za depresijo.

Keywords:konceptualna metafora, kognitivno jezikoslovje, depresija, blog, duševne bolezni
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-112022 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.10.2019
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Title:Conceptual metaphors of depression in blog posts of individuals coping with mental illnesses
Metaphors are more than just stylistic devices in language. They form the basis of our thinking about abstract concepts and thus determine our actions in complex situations. In my master’s thesis, I analyse metaphors of depression in two American and two British blogs written by bloggers who have experienced the illness. My goal is to determine the metaphors’ influence on the treatment of depressed individuals by the non-depressed population. I also aim to explore how the depressed individuals come to regard and treat their illness and themselves in light of the metaphors. For these two purposes, I composed a corpus of 510 metaphorical expressions on depression from the blogs and categorised them in 27 different metaphorical mappings. Through the logic of these mappings, I established the metaphors’ influence upon the perception of and behaviour towards the depressed individuals. The metaphors mostly convey a positive image of such individuals. They do not hold these individuals responsible for their illness or depict them as faulty, failing, and weak. In this way, they encourage respectful, non-judgmental, and kind behaviour towards depression sufferers. Under their influence, those suffering from depression can also regard themselves in a more positive light, which helps boost their self-esteem. Because a substantial set of metaphors conceptualises depression as a state of lost control over one’s thoughts, emotions, and behaviour and as an illness that renders one incapable of functioning, the readers of the blogs are encouraged to seek, accept, or offer help for depression. The negative consequences of the metaphors involve the perception of depression as an unpredictable and dangerous state. Also problematic is the DEPRESSION IS WAR metaphor. It divides depressed individuals according to their success in treatment, implies that less help is needed with depression, and encourages reduced quality of life under the illness.

Keywords:conceptual metaphor, cognitive linguistics, depression, blog, mental illness

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