
Uporaba filma pri pouku angleščine in francoščine – zakaj in kako?
ID Boughazi, Aicha (Author), ID Lah, Meta (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Skela, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 0E316792F36D156DE3DA187A088B5C4F

V zadnjih desetletjih postajamo vedno bolj obdani z različnimi tipi avdiovizualnih medijev, ne da bi ob tem šolski sistem to novo stvarnost v celoti vključil v svoje poučevanje. Da bi učenci postali kritični in odgovorni državljani tega sveta, morajo postati medijsko pismeni. Medtem ko bi morali različne medije v svoje poučevanje vključiti vsi učitelji, bodo učitelji tujih jezikov v tem našli še dodatne prednosti. Magistrska naloga poskuša opredeliti, kakšne so prednosti uporabe filma pri poučevanju tujih jezikov ter kako lahko s filmom poučujemo različne vidike jezika. Teoretični del uvodoma izpostavi pomen medijske pismenosti, filmske vzgoje v šolskem sistemu ter osnovno filmsko teorijo, nato razčleni prednosti uporabe filma pri pouku tujega jezika ter predlaga način vpeljave filma v tujejezikovni pouk. Praktični del v prvem delu naniza nabor na film vezanih vaj za učenje različnih jezikovnih poglavij in zmožnosti ter v drugem delu predstavi dve na film vezani pedagoški oz. učni zaporedji, eno za pouk angleščine ter drugo za pouk francoščine. Rezultati magistrske naloge kažejo, da je prednosti uporabe filma pri pouku tujih jezikov veliko ter da lahko film uporabimo za poučevanje vseh jezikovnih poglavij ter jezikovnih spretnosti.

Keywords:medijska pismenost, film pri poučevanju tujih jezikov, srednješolsko izobraževanje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111937 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.10.2019
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Secondary language

Title:The Use of Film in English and French Classrooms – the Why and the How?
In recent decades we are becoming increasingly surrounded by different types of audio-visual media without this new reality being entirely translated into and taught by the school system. In order to become critical and responsible citizens of the world, it is important that students become media literate. While all teachers should therefore include media education into their classrooms, foreign language teachers will find additional benefits by doing so. This MA dissertation aims at determining the benefits of using film in foreign language teaching and the ways film can be exploited for teaching different aspects of a foreign language. The theoretical part begins with pointing out the importance of media literacy and film in the education system, continues with a presentation of the basic film theory and finishes by putting forward the benefits of using film in teaching of foreign languages as well as suggesting the way the film clips could be integrated in foreign language classrooms. The practical part firstly proposes a number of selected film-related exercises for the teaching of different language systems and skills and secondly, it offers two film-based pedagogical sequences – one for the English class and another for the French class. The results indicate that there are numerous benefits to the inclusion of film into teaching foreign languages and that film can be used for teaching all language systems and skills.

Keywords:media literacy, film in foreign language teaching, secondary education

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