
Oris odnosov med Madžarsko in Hrvaško s poudarkom na prostoru Medžimurja od leta 1918 naprej
ID Lisjak, Manuela (Author), ID Ajlec, Kornelija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo zajema časovni in prostorski zgodovinski oris Madžarske in Hrvaške oz. njunih medsebojnih odnosov od leta 1918 naprej. Poudarek je predvsem na manjšem delu prostora današnje Hrvaške – Medžimurju. Po prvi in drugi svetovni vojni je bilo Medžimurje prepuščeno okupacijski politiki Madžarske, vendar se mu je v obeh primerih uspelo osvoboditi in se priključiti Hrvaški. Po drugi svetovni vojni je Madžarsko in Medžimurje povezalo oktobrsko revolucionarno dogajanje na Madžarskem, saj je bilo Medžimurje eno izmed prostorov, kamor so se zatekli madžarski begunci. Madžarska je bila v začetku leta 1992 med prvimi državami, ki so priznale nastanek Republike Hrvaške in se v nadaljnjih letih z različnimi pogodbami, sklepi in sporazumi z njo tudi povezala. Državi sta uredili vprašanje manjšin, se skupaj podali v uresničevanje različnih projektov, spore in nesoglasja pa skušata reševati sproti.

Keywords:Medžimurje, Hrvaška, Madžarska, meddržavni odnosi, 20. stoletje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111930 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.10.2019
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Title:Outline of relations between Hungary and Croatia with a focus on the area of Medjimurje since 1918
The master's thesis covers a chronological and spatial historical overview of Hungary and Croatia, respectively their mutual relations from 1918 onward. Emphasis is made on the smaller part of present-day Croatia – Medjimurje. After the First and Second World War, Medjimurje was left to the occupation policy of Hungary, but in both cases, it managed to free itself from the occupier and join Croatia. After the Second World War, Hungary and Medjimurje were connected by the October revolutionary events in Hungary, since Medjimurje was one of the places where Hungarian refugees found their safe place. In 1992, Hungary was among the first to recognize the Republic of Croatia as an independent country. In the following years, Hungary and Croatia signed and agreed on various treaties. The two countries settled the issue of minorities and jointly embarked on the implementation of various projects, some of which are ongoing today, while regularly trying to solve any conflicts and disagreements.

Keywords:Medjimurje, Croatia, Hungary, Interstate Relations, 20th Century

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