
Konceptualna metafora PRIHODNOST JE SPREDAJ ter njena psihološka realnost
ID Zgonc, Matjaž (Author), ID Lipovšek, Frančiška (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Pri konceptualni metafori gre za kognitivno preslikavanje ene izmed konceptualnih domen – izhodiščne domene – na drugo, torej ciljno domeno. Takšne preslikave ljudem omogočajo miselno dostopanje do domen, ki bi jim, ker so čutom manj zaznavne ali nezaznavne, sicer bile le stežka dostopne. V angleščini konceptualna metafora PRIHODNOST JE SPREDAJ omogoča preslikavo izhodiščne domene “spredaj”, ki jo lahko zaznavamo z očmi, na abstraktno ciljno domeno “prihodnost”. V magistrskem delu sledim klasični teoriji konceptualne metafore (še posebej delom Lakoffa in Johnsona) ter podam metaforične izraze, osnovane na PRIHODNOST JE SPREDAJ, pa njenih podmetaforah. Potem pokažem, da je na osnovi testa razumevanja izvirnih metaforičnih izrazov, osnovanih na tej metafori, mogoče zagovarjati, da je metafora psihološko realna. Nazadnje razpravljam še o nujnosti dotične metafore za konceptualizacijo prihodnosti pri maternih govorcih angleščine, in sicer tako za lekseme, ki se tičejo prihodnosti, kot tudi za slovnične strukture, s katerimi je prihodnost mogoče uvezovati.

Keywords:konceptualna metafora, podmetafora, prihodnost, spredaj, psihološka realnost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111922 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.10.2019
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Secondary language

Title:The conceptual metaphor FUTURE IS IN FRONT and its psychological reality
The conceptual metaphor is a phenomenon where one conceptual domain, the source domain, is cognitively mapped onto another, the target domain, which enables human conceptualization of otherwise less accessible, perceptually less salient domains. In English, FUTURE IS IN FRONT is a conceptual metaphor by means of which the observable source domain of “in front” is mapped onto the abstract target domain of “future”. Following the classical theory of conceptual metaphor (especially by Lakoff and Johnson), the metaphorical expressions of FUTURE IS IN FRONT and its submetaphors are given in this thesis. Evidence of its psychological reality is shown through research on the comprehension of novel metaphorical expressions based on this conceptual metaphor. Finally, the scope of relevance of this particular conceptual metaphor for the conceptualization of the future by native speakers of English is discussed––both for lexical items expressing the future as well as for the grammatical means of encoding it.

Keywords:conceptual metaphor, submetaphor, the future, in front, psychological reality

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