
Informacijska podpora sistemu poročanja o arheoloških raziskavah
ID Anžur, Lana Nastja (Author), ID Mlekuž Vrhovnik, Dimitrij (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Gaspari, Andrej (Comentor)

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V pričujoči diplomski nalogi raziskujem, katere oblike informacijske podpore sistemu poročanja arheoloških poročil poznamo in katere so trenutno na voljo ter v uporabi v Sloveniji. Temelj za pripravo arheološkega poročila je ustrezna pravna podlaga, ki določa smernice za celotno upravno procesualizacijo arheoloških raziskav. Pri nas področje urejata Zakon o varstvu kulturne dediščine (Uradni list RS, št. 16/2008 s spremembami; v nadaljevanju ZVKD–1) in Pravilnik o arheoloških raziskavah (Uradni list RS, št. 3/13; v nadaljevanju Pravilnik). Slednji natančno določa standarde za pripravo arheoloških poročil in predvideva njihovo javno dostopnost. Ta je trenutno omogočena preko fizičnega arhiva v INDOK centru. To naj bi se spremenilo s projektom eArheo, ki predvideva vzpostavitev spletnega dostopa do arheoloških poročil. Ker me je zanimalo, katere izboljšave v primerjavi s trenutnim sistemom bi lahko izvedli pri spreminjanju ureditve v prihodnosti, sem naredila pregled primerov ureditev sistema oddaje arheoloških poročil in povezanih upravnih postopkov v posameznih izbranih državah. Preko primerjave z domačim sistemom sem skušala poiskati možnosti za izboljšavo slovenskega sistema in njegove informacijske podpore, s čimer zaključujem nalogo

Keywords:arheološka poročila, arheološka dediščina, informacijski sistem, repozitoriji
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111921 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.10.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Information support to archaeological research reporting
In this thesis I will try to explore which examples of information support to the system of archaeological reporting exist and which are currently at disposal or being used in Slovenia. The basis for the creation of an archaeological report is relevant legal act, that sets the direction of a whole administrative process of archaeological research. In Slovenia this area is ruled by Act of cultural heritage protection and Regulation of archaeological research. The latter sets the standards fort the formal composition of archaeological reports and it expresses their public availability. They are currently being publicly available in physical form in INDOK centre. This will change with the start of the project eArheo, that will enable online access to archaeological reports. I was interested in what improvements could be made in the future online base compared to the current situation, so I did an analysis of the systems of archaeological reports submissions and related administrative procedures in some exemplar countries. By comparing them to our own system I tried to find options for improvement of Slovenian system and its information support, which makes the conclusion of the thesis

Keywords:archaeological reports, archaeological heritage, information system, repositorium

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