
Resničnostni šov Kmetija in Copekov mlin
ID Cigut, Kaja (Author), ID Hudales, Jože (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Skozi magistrsko delo spoznamo dediščino in funkcijo Copekovega mlina pred, med in po televizijskem šovu Kmetija. Namen magistrske naloge je ugotoviti, kako sta televizija in Občina Velika Polana, ko je privolila v snemanje šova na tej lokaciji, vplivali na dediščino mlina. Iz vidika etnologije je Copekov mlin pomemben zato, ker predstavlja pristen primer etnološke dediščine. Danes je še edini ohranjeni predindustrijski mlin na potoku Črncu, v preteklosti pa je na tem potoku delovalo pet takšnih mlinov. O zgodovini samega mlina je zelo malo virov in literature, vendar pa je Copekov mlin najbolj znan iz časov 2. svetovne vojne. V času 2. svetovne vojne, natančneje 26. decembra 1944, je bil na tem mestu ustanovljen prvi odbor OF v Prekmurju. To dokazuje tudi spominsko obeležje, ki je privito na zunanjo stran mlina. Od leta 1944 do 1945 je imel objekt veliko težo, saj so v njem potekala skrivna zasedanja protiokupatorskega gibanja, ki niso bila nikoli odkrita s strani okupatorja. Objekt zaradi svojega zgodovinskega ozadja ni bil nikoli turistično oblegan, v današnjem času pa se je to spremenilo. Sam objekt Copekov mlin nima več družbene note v smislu njegove preteklosti in njegove rabe nekoč, ampak je postal spet popularen zaradi televizijskega šova Kmetija. Cilj magistrske naloge je ugotoviti, kaj je televizijski šov Kmetija prinesel Občini Velika Polana. Skozi magistrsko nalogo želimo priti do odgovorov, zakaj so, kljub temu, da je mlin zaščiten kot spomenik lokalnega pomena, privolili, da se na tej lokaciji snema televizijski resničnostni šov Kmetija. S tem so posledično posegali tudi v samo okolico Copekovega mlina in jo spreminjali. Mlin je sicer pred leti bil obnovljen, vendar, kot že prej omenjeno, nikoli zelo turistično oblegan. Ugotoviti želimo, ali je sedaj to dobra priložnost za razvoj turizma na tej lokaciji in kako je snemanje resničnostnega šova Kmetija vplivalo na promocijo samega kraja oziroma Občine Velika Polana.

Keywords:Copekov mlin, dediščina, šov Kmetija, turizem, promocija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111917 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.10.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Reality show Farm and Copek mill
The present master’s thesis researches heritage and function of Copek mill before, during and after the reality show Farm The purpose of the master’s thesis is to establish how the television and Municipality of Velika Polana, after agreeing to film the show on this location, influenced heritage. From the point of view of ethnology, Copek mill is important because it represents authentic example of ethnological heritage. Today it is the only preserved pre-industrial mill on the stream Črnec, in the past there were five such mill operating on this stream. There are not a lot of sources and literature about the mill itself, but Copek mill is most known from the time of Second World War. In that time, more specifically on December 26th 1944, the first committee of the Liberation Front in Pomurje region was established on this place. This is evidenced by the memorial monument on the outside of the mill. From 1944 to 1945 the facility had great significance because secret meetings of anti-occupying forces took place, which occupying forces have never discovered. Tourists due to its historical background have never besieged the facility, but nowadays that has changed. The facility itself does not contain the social note in the sense of its past and use anymore, rather it has become popular due to the TV show Farm. The goal of the master’s thesis is to establish the contribution of the Farm to the Municipality of Velika Polana. Through master’s thesis, we want to come to answers, why it was allowed to film the reality show here, although Copek mill is protected as a monument of local importance. By this, the vicinity of Copek mill has been interfered with and changed. We want to established if filming of the reality show is a good opportunity for the development of the tourism and whether it has affected the promotion of the place itself and Municipality of Velika Polana respectively.

Keywords:Copek mill, heritage, reality show Farm, tourism, promotion

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