
Razredno gledališče in pravljica Sneguljčica
ID Grišin Šertelj, Vanja (Author), ID Saksida, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6053/ This link opens in a new window

Magistrsko delo zajema primer akcijske raziskave na področju razrednega gledališča in pravljice Sneguljčica. Vzorec je bil namenski in nenaključni. Vanj je bilo vključenih 25 učencev 1. razreda. Pri sociometričnih meritvah sta dodatno sodelovali še dve učenki. Poudarek je bil na poslušanju brane pravljice, vizualnem besedilu, verbalni in neverbalni komunikaciji ter značilnostih gledališča. Gledališče v povezavi z mladinsko dramatiko omogoča psihološki, socialni in telesni razvoj učencev, ki ga ob golem podajanju učne snovi ni mogoče doseči. Skozi igro, branje in poslušanje sem vpeljala učence v svet pravljic, domišljije in razvoj ustvarjalnosti. V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela sem predstavila teoretična izhodišča in dejstva o pravljici Sneguljčica, o življenju bratov Grimm in njunih delih. Pojasnila sem pojme pravljica, ljudska pravljica, poslušanje, dramatika, komunikacija, gledališče, scena, kostum in uprizoritev. V empiričnem delu sem kot prvo in zadnjo dejavnost izvedla raziskavo s sociometrom, s katerim sem ugotavljala medsebojne odnose. Izvedla sem akcijsko raziskavo z opazovanjem, dnevniškim zapisom, fotografiranjem in snemanjem. Učence sem seznanila z zapisovalcema pravljice Sneguljčica, njunimi deli, vsebino ljudske pravljice Sneguljčica in značilnostmi gledališča. Ugotovila sem, da se je v tem procesu njihovo znanje o bratih Grimm in njihovih delih izboljšalo, bolje so razumeli, kaj vse je potrebno narediti in se naučiti, da lahko izvedeš končno uprizoritev. Z opazovanjem sem opazila napredek v njihovi verbalni in neverbalni komunikaciji, v njihovih odnosih in v odnosu z mano. Ugotovila sem, da se je izboljšal strah pred nastopanjem, govor in razvoj besedišča.

Keywords:razredno gledališče
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111842 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12640073 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.10.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Classroom theatre and the fairy tale Snow White
The master's thesis covers the case of action research in the field of classroom theatre and the fairy tale Snow White. The pattern was purposeful and non-random. It included 25 1st grade students. Two more female students participated in sociometric measurements. Emphasis was placed on listening to a fairy tale reading, visual text, verbal and non-verbal communication, and theatre characteristics. In connection with youth drama, theatre provides for the psychological, social and physical development of students, which cannot be achieved with the bare teaching of the subject matter. Through play, reading and listening, I introduced students to the world of fairy tales, imagination and the development of creativity. In the theoretical part of the master's thesis I presented the theoretical starting points and facts about the Snow White fairy tale, about the life of the Grimm brothers and their works. I explained the terms fairy tale, folk fairy tale, listening, drama, communication, theatre, scene, costume and staging. In the empirical part, as the first and the last activity, I conducted a research with a sociometer, which I used to establish relationships with each other. I conducted an action survey with observation, journaling, photography and filming. I introduced the students to the Snow White fairy tale recorders, their works, the contents of the Snow White fairy tale and the characteristics of the theatre. I found that in the process, their knowledge of the Grimm Brothers and their works improved, they understood, better what needed to be done and learned that they could perform the final staging. Through observation, I have noticed progress in their verbal and non-verbal communication, in their relationships and with me. I have found that my fear of performing, speaking and developing vocabulary has improved.

Keywords:classroom theatre

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