
Izbrane značilnosti pri kamnokreču (Saxifraga hostii) izpostavljenem različnim UV-B tretmajem na višinskem gradientu Kobariškega Stola
ID Erznožnik, Tina (Author), ID Trošt Sedej, Tadeja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Proučevali smo izbrane anatomske in izbrane fiziološke značilnosti Hostovega kamnokreča (Saxifraga hostii), ki uspeva v različnih mikroklimatskih razmerah na višinskem gradientu Kobariškega Stola v zahodnih Julijskih Alpah. Spremljali smo njegovo prilagoditev na rastišču na dveh nadmorskih višinah (1095 m in 1504 m n.m.) in obenem izpostavljenost zunanjemu in zmanjšanemu UV-B sevanju. Na obeh višinah smo spremljali tudi temperaturo. Fiziološke in anatomske meritve so bile izvedene v rastni sezoni julija, avgusta in septembra 2016. Opazili smo visoko fotokemično učinkovitost pri UV-B tretmajih na obeh nadmorskih višinah, kar kaže na dobro aklimatizirano vrsto. Višja transpiracija pod zunanjo UV-B svetlobo v subalpinskem pasu v primerjavi z montanskim pasom je lahko posledica sinergističnega učinka UV-B in drugih podnebnih dejavnikov, kot sta temperatura in relativna vlažnost. Večina anatomskih značilnosti lista se ni odzvala na razlike v UV-B tretmajih ali nadmorski višini. Hostov kamnokreč v subalpinskem pasu ima tako zgornje kot spodnje reže manjše in številčnejše v primerjavi z montanskim pasom, kjer so zgornje in spodnje reže večje in manj številčnejše. UV sevanje je v interakciji s temperaturo kot tudi z drugimi okoljskimi dejavniki, kar vzbuja raznolike odzive, ki skupaj prispevajo k prilagoditvi in aklimatizaciji kamnokreča gorskemu okolju. Danes so študije na terenu redke, zato obstaja velika potreba po nadaljnjih raziskavah o UV-B izpostavljenosti, pri katerih so rastline sočasno izpostavljene UV-B in drugim okoljskim spremenljivkam, odzivi rastlin pa se merijo na vseh ravneh.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-111823 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12633673 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.10.2019
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Title:Selected properties of Saxifraga hostii plant exposed to different UV-B treatments along an altitudinal gradient of Kobariški Stol
We studied the selected anatomical and physiological characteristics of the plant (Saxifraga hostii), which thrives in various microclimate conditions at the altitude gradient in the western Julian Alps in the Kobariski Stol. Alpine plant Saxifraga hostii Tausch subsp. hostii was studied at two altitudes (montane, 1095 m a.s.l.; subalpine, 1504 m a.s.l.). Plants were grown under two different UV exposures, ambient UV (UV) and reduced UV (UV-) radiation and temperature was monitored at both altitudes. Physiological measurements, and morphological analyses were carried out during the growing season, between June and September 2016. High photochemical efficiency under both UV regimes and altitudes was observed, showing a well acclimated plant. The higher transpiration under ambient UV-B at the subalpine altitude compared to the montane altitude could be due to a synergistic effect of UV and other climatic factors such as temperature and relative humidity. Most leaf anatomical characteristics failed to respond to differences in UV dose or altitude. Saxifraga hostii has at the subalpine altitude on both sides of the leaf smaller stomatal length and higher stomatal density compared to the montane altitude, where the stomatal length is bigger and the stomatal density is lower. This study proves that UV exposure can contribute to the induction of tolerance of other environmental stresses at the subalpine altitude. UV radiation interacts with temperature regime, as well as with other environmental factors, and this evokes diverse plant responses, which together contribute to the adaptation and acclimation of Saxifraga hostii to the alpine environment. These days field studys are rare, therefore is a need for further multifactorial UV-B exposure studies whereby plants are simultaneously or sequentially exposed to UV-B and other environmental variables, and plant responses are measured at all organisation levels.


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